Dude, you are *so* missing the point. You asked someone out, and he said no because he's already seeing someone. That's not really rejection. And even if it were, you're no worse off than you were. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. No one gets a hit every time at bat. *insert other platitudes here*
Seriously, you should be proud of yourself for taking a chance. It will increase your chances of someone saying "yes."
I got to agree here. It has got to be harder for gay monogamous people* to find matches. Yet another way life isn't fair. I still think that a cute con-goer like yourself will find someone.
*not that it is a whole lot easier for bisexual poly people who are attracted mostly to other bis have it any easier - I was fabulously lucky.
How is it harder for gay monogamous people than it is for straight monogamous people? Plenty of gays are monogamous; who do you think is fighting for the right to get married?
Ah man, that bites. I totally get where you're coming from. I got there myself once, many moons ago...just gave up completely and started planning the rest of my life as a single person. It was a very liberating feeling.
Then the rockgod told me how he felt about me, and that changed that! ;oD
Comments 12
Seriously, you should be proud of yourself for taking a chance. It will increase your chances of someone saying "yes."
*not that it is a whole lot easier for bisexual poly people who are attracted mostly to other bis have it any easier - I was fabulously lucky.
Then the rockgod told me how he felt about me, and that changed that! ;oD
Lots of {{HUGS}}, man.
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