Title: Remember, a NUMB3RS fanfic

May 11, 2008 17:23

Title: Remember
Author: amy (boymommytotwo msn com)

Fandom: NUMB3RS

Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Colby, Alan

Rating: PG

Spoilers: None
Words: circa 1500
Summary: Charlie becomes aware. for the Read more... )

my fic, character: charlie eppes, numb3rs, two ships verse, charlie/colby, character: colby granger

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Comments 14

Confession boymommytotwo May 11 2008, 23:01:59 UTC
in the tradition of the lovely emma, i thought i'd share the thoughts i have regarding this fic.

really, it's just a snippit of a much larger verse i have planned out in my head for after the thesis is done. i'm pretty much breaking cardinal rule #1 by even being here on lj while my masters waits for me in a land far, far away.

i really believe in constructive crit, so please feel free to share any thoughts/ feelings/ questions... i am a former writing major who never met my muse b/c i was too scared. this is one of her very first appearances. wow - like 15 years later. i would like to know what speaks to you, what looses you, if you want to know more, why or why not... mmm... it'll make for all the better verse later on! help the cause!

anyway, i made a little reference to it above... but this is my opportunity to thank all the wonderful numb3rs authors we have. you inspire me. i've spent entirely too much time reading you. and you're loved.

thanks much,


ladygray99 May 12 2008, 00:19:29 UTC
Welcome and congratulations. I thought the flow in the second bit was improved. Now get to your thesis ;-)


boymommytotwo May 13 2008, 00:40:23 UTC
yes ma'am...

:growls at thesis in corner:



paranoid_woman May 12 2008, 02:32:27 UTC
Hey there! I have to say I liked the fic. I know it's scary to post for the first time. I started almost 2 months ago and every time I feel like I'm going to die. :)
I really liked the last part when Charlie worries about Colby not being with him anymore someday. It was very sad and loving at the same time.
I know this had nothing to do with anything, but the part when Charlie and Colby decide to go to the ceremony, made me remember a plot bunny I had for a fic after my Connections Series is over. More Charlie/Colby. Yes! I had forgotten about that, and you made me remember. Thank you very much!
As I said, I really enjoyed the fic. Your muse might not come to you very often but it clearly knows how to do things well. :)


boymommytotwo May 13 2008, 00:41:15 UTC
i'm glad the last part came through, as that's what i was writing everything towards and i wasn't sure if it did it at the end. thanks for reading!!!


elysium1996 May 13 2008, 00:01:53 UTC
nicely done.

Your style is very flowing and lovely.

My only nitpick and this is just me ( and i did it in my first fics) is that you change POV's. For me, jumping in the same scene from one character's thoughts to the other drives me a bit nuts. For me, it pulls me out of the story but other than that I look forward to seeing more for you. And congrats and kudos for posting.. I am very proud and happy for you!


boymommytotwo May 13 2008, 00:47:12 UTC
thanks sweetpea. okay. it sounds a little dumb but i don't really get the POV conversation. that was the part from beta i ignored. if just everyone is talking, etc., how can...

oh, ok, hold the phone.

so most of this is charlie's pov, obviously. so the other pov was... alan's? during the flower/memorial stuff, right? was anything with colby from colby's pov? i try to re-read it and i don't think so... but i guess i did ta...

blah blah blah blahblah blah.... blah.

nevermind. and thank you again. :)


elysium1996 May 13 2008, 00:56:01 UTC
no prob!

your reply kills me! it is like I am on the phone with you

BTW yes the POV changes from Charlie to Alan back to Charlie then a bit to Colby then back to CHarlie...

the switch to Colby is not as noticeable
and maybe not a POV change at all maybe the way I am interrupting it

anyway let me know if I can be of service to you in any way., NOW get back to that thesis!


boymommytotwo May 13 2008, 01:09:48 UTC
::don't wanna::

really. really really really don't wanna.

that's for the weekend, anyway. i can't switch gears so much during the work week. need to unwind from w-o-r-k! that's why they call it that, afterall.


respect mia_dcwut_09 May 13 2008, 01:49:23 UTC
aww this is so sweet
I loved Charlie's sentiments at the end
I can kind of relate
nice work
I have a great respect for those who serve


Re: respect boymommytotwo May 13 2008, 02:31:20 UTC
thank you for reading and commenting! that's so nice of you!


Re: respect mia_dcwut_09 May 13 2008, 02:38:07 UTC
no problem I really liked this fic


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