* Take a little from each of your favorite ... concrete-having ... places. This is like a "salami slicing" strategy, as in Office Space :P. * Look outside, it's everywhere * Know anyone in "the biz"?
2) $2,000 dollars with which to purchase $2,000 dollars worth of concrete...
* Are there any organizations that would consider your intentions worthwhile for them to donate to? * Clever short-term money strategies, like offering to deliver old people's groceries or giving psychic readings * Know anyone in "the biz"?
Unfortunatley, variations in price, in density between brands and mixes, and even within the same mix make this rather approximate, however the total target weight is approx. 15.223~ tons, and at a typical hardware-store price of 3 or 4 dollars per eighty pound bag, the price range becomes something like $1,278.75 - $1,705.00, and with a built in contingency for externalities like taxes, calculation errors (volumetric and otherwise), and any other various things that could go wrong (and something usually does) one easily rounds up to $2,000 to create a suitable safety-net for such things. I suppose $1,500 - $2,000 would be arguably a fairer and less severe way of stating the problem, I don't think it makes a very big difference to the overall nature of the problem, which is what I was attempting to address here.
Comments 7
* Take a little from each of your favorite ... concrete-having ... places. This is like a "salami slicing" strategy, as in Office Space :P.
* Look outside, it's everywhere
* Know anyone in "the biz"?
2) $2,000 dollars with which to purchase $2,000 dollars worth of concrete...
* Are there any organizations that would consider your intentions worthwhile for them to donate to?
* Clever short-term money strategies, like offering to deliver old people's groceries or giving psychic readings
* Know anyone in "the biz"?
I may have managed to procure some from someone, "in the biz" but it's sort of a tenuous lead at the moment.
Unfortunatley, variations in price, in density between brands and mixes, and even within the same mix make this rather approximate, however the total target weight is approx. 15.223~ tons, and at a typical hardware-store price of 3 or 4 dollars per eighty pound bag, the price range becomes something like $1,278.75 - $1,705.00, and with a built in contingency for externalities like taxes, calculation errors (volumetric and otherwise), and any other various things that could go wrong (and something usually does) one easily rounds up to $2,000 to create a suitable safety-net for such things. I suppose $1,500 - $2,000 would be arguably a fairer and less severe way of stating the problem, I don't think it makes a very big difference to the overall nature of the problem, which is what I was attempting to address here.
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