My Beautiful Launderette (40 pics) Dial Up users beware!

Nov 15, 2005 19:53

(just be glad it's only 40 pics, I cut the number waaaaaaaaaay down from over 200 screencaps, what can I say, I like the boytouching!)
Anyway, we saw a teeeny clip of My Beautiful Launderette in "The Celluloid Closet"(an excellent documentary on homosexuality in films) that we watched in "Gender and Sexuality" class today and it reminded me that I'd wanted to see it for years so I went straight to the library after class and rented it out. Came home and watched it with the aid of a crappy transcript and took lovely screencaps of this lovely film!

This is the story of two men in the '80s.
They used to be childhood friends,

This is Omar (he has a beautiful smile and he is portrayed by Gordon Warnecke)

This is Johnny (guh, cheekbones and he is portrayed by Daniel Day Lewis. mm)

They meet up after a long time not having seen each other, Omar having got a job with his Uncle and Johnny's mates have jumped his car since they're racist.
Omar gets a run down launderette from his uncle and persuades Johnny to help him fix it up.
the quote from this scene is "you were the one at school, the one I liked." Johnny replies "all the Pakis like me" but he grins to himself.

Omar trusts him and immediately brings him in on the dodgy dealings his cousin does, showing there's nothing to hide between them

they talk about how they'll fix up the launderette and they kiss, aw.

followed by more kissing

this is the best scene ever. Johnny's painting up the launderette as his racist gang are standing by and watching him, Omar comes out to pay him.

hugs him in front of his mates

and Johnny takes the opportunity to lick his neck privately

and walks off, ignoring his gang of ex-mates.

it's opening night of the new launderette and Omar is angsting as his dad isn't there.
johnny helps to take his mind off it

they start going at it in the back room

before getting interrupted by Omar's uncle who asks "what have you been doing, sunbathing?" "sleeping, Uncle, we were all shagged out". Johnny stifles a laugh at this.

the launderette is a success and Omar takes Johnny to a house party

complications ensue due to cousins, family issues and Johnny's ex friends
Johnny gets in the middle of a fight and gets the worst of it, Omar arriving at the end to try and protect him

Omar cleans Johnny up

they have a pensive moment

they end up splashing each other/washing each other in the back room,aw.

medium:images, type:hugging, type:kissing, type:sex, movies:my beautiful laundrette, type:implied touching

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