(no subject)

May 26, 2009 13:45

Tutorial for
>>Not translatable (selective coloring)


1) Start with your base. I've already sharpened mine.

2) Add a white #ffffff layer. Set the layer to soft light.
Opacity: 73%
Fill: 66%
This layer lightens the image a little bit without losing contrast (like with a screened layer).


3) Add a selective color layer with these settings:
Reds: -23, 0, +8, -11
Whites: 0, 0, +15, +11
Neutrals: 0, +3, 0, -4
Set the layer to soft light.
Opacity: 100%
Fill: 50%
This layer adds more contrast and a more natural coloring.


4) Add a brown #652707 layer. Set it to soft light.
Opacity: 100%
Fill: 60%
This layer gives a more brownish coloring to the icon.


5) Go to Layer>>New>>Layer...Click 'ok'
Now with a 10px #ffffff round brush make two lines framing Dean.
Go to Filter>>Blur>>Gaussian Blur
Radius: 9.5 pixels
It should end up looking like this:


6) Take the selective color layer from step 3, duplicate it, and drag it to the top. It should still be 'soft light.'
Opacity: 100%
Fill: 58%
This layer keeps the new light part from looking washed out.


7) Add a curves layer.
Input: 96
Output: 147
I use a curves layer to lighten up the image the rest of the way.


8) Add a slightly modified texture (
) by rubber_dick
Set it to soft light.
Opacity: 100%
Fill: 70%
This texture gives the icon a very nice yellowish coloring, and it also helps emphasize the landscape.


9) Add a slightly modified texture (
) by policromo 
*I erased the part covering the trees, building, grass, and everything below.
Set it to 'multiply'


10) Duplicate the sky texture. Set it to 'soft light'


11) Duplicate again. Still 'soft light.'


I added the two soft light layer over the multiply layer of the sky to give it a little more of a blue color and some more contrast.

And that's it! I hope I didn't miss anything, or explain anything poorly.

Download .psd here.

>>comment, do not replicate exactly, enjoy!

&tutorials, &psds

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