What? I'm here? Uhhh... (spoilers for SPN 10x08)

Dec 03, 2014 12:57

So, I don't know what's up with Show, but it's making me want to post things!  Maybe that's good?  Or bad in the case that probably 3 people on my "flist" remember me and the rest of you are wondering who this random person is.  ;)
Brain dump.... )


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Comments 10

kazluvsbooks December 3 2014, 21:17:58 UTC
*sings* I remember youuuu.

and i agree!! I have been really enjoying S10 but yes,the boys need other characters to bounce off, now that they don't have Bobby.. and the girls were BRILLIANT!
Not some typical, generic, looks the same as everyone else but REAL WOMEN, the sort that Sam and Dean would be surprised by and respect.

I hope they don't get a spin off - we need them on SPN.
Also, boys looked really pretty (cough)


bowtrunckle December 8 2014, 14:54:26 UTC
*sings* I remember youuuu.

*sings back* Yeeaahhh! :D

Not some typical, generic, looks the same as everyone else but REAL WOMEN, the sort that Sam and Dean would be surprised by and respect.

Exactly. I love Jody and Donna for who they are, and the fact they're not the typical female on a network like the CW endears me more. They're believable. I think it would add some depth and variety to have them around more often.

I hope they don't get a spin off - we need them on SPN.I love them interacting with Sam and Dean more, yes. But even though I'd love to see them in SPN more often, part of me thinks the reality of that is slim. So instead, having their own "adventures of" would satisfy my itch because I'd just love to see what else they could get themselves into. :) Something similar to how I understand "Arrow" and "The Flash" are set up (the same universe with the potential for continued character crossover) would be great: secondary characters who we can't/don't see on SPN, could pop in on a spin off along with Sam and Dean ( ... )


percysowner December 4 2014, 00:05:15 UTC
I totally agree that THIS is a spinoff I would watch.


bowtrunckle December 8 2014, 15:00:22 UTC
If the spin off could be made a separate entity AND relevant to SPN proper, meaning major events could cross over with minor characters jumping between shows once in a while (and Sam and Dean of course), that would be AWESOME.

It'll be interesting to see how the new incarnation of the spin off evolves....


galwithglasses December 4 2014, 04:40:03 UTC
Hey, nice to see a post from you. Jody and Donna are a breath of fresh air, for sure. It was a cool idea to put them together in an episode. They play off each other really well.


bowtrunckle December 8 2014, 15:04:51 UTC
Hello, there! It's nice to be around again (however brief).

It was a cool idea to put them together in an episode.

I'm curious to know what exactly sparks these ideas in the writer's room. Sometimes it seems like a lot of it has to do with a particular writer's attachment to a character--one they may have created (ex. Charlie, The Ghostfacers)--and their tenacity to reincorporate them into the fold OR else some sort of indescribable "something" an actor possesses that's recognized by TPTB, who want to work with them again.


brightly_lit December 4 2014, 07:01:32 UTC
YES, fresh new characters! I read this review of yours before I watched the episode, and I kept thinking, "What she said!" the whole time; I LOVED the ep! Would that we could have more eps like this every season; plus then J2 get a break ...


bowtrunckle December 8 2014, 15:12:39 UTC
Oo, you read this before the episode! :)

Would that we could have more eps like this every season;

Sometimes I think that SPN would be more powerful it if had a 10-episode cable schedule, but then one-off episodes like this come around and it makes me reconsider. If it weren't for a 23-episode schedule we wouldn't have had some of the best SPN episodes because sometimes they have to be not tightly coupled to the main Sam-and-Dean storyline in order to have the distance to be playful/experimental/delve into secondary characters/plots. I'll just be thankful that we get fun gems like this episode. :)


hugemind December 6 2014, 23:32:30 UTC
Remind me who you are again. ;) But do keep posting, because YESYESYES.

I would watch that spin-off. \o/

Also, this "finding new things about something that feels familiar" reminds me of the Js talking at one of the more recent cons about how they felt that the MoL bunker did just that. :)


bowtrunckle December 8 2014, 15:22:18 UTC
YOU! :D *smish*

I hope you're surviving RL. I've been thinking about you even though I've not been good at commenting/replying finding time to be a presence online. Booo, me.

Also, this "finding new things about something that feels familiar" reminds me of the Js talking at one of the more recent cons about how they felt that the MoL bunker did just that. :)YES! That's why the MoL reveal was so AMAZING. *dances* I remember being so excited and then freaking out about all THE POTENTIAL on LJ (also, I might've had a little crush on Henry Winchester bec. I have a thing for smarty-pants characters). I'm still hoping that we see the MoL history tie in with the Winchester's personal story, past and present, in the future rather than only using the MoL's bunker for a convenient place to find cases and solutions (the MoL's library is the new Bobby). TBH, I want John Wincheter's story to come back into the fold and by doing so that would drag in Henry's Winchester's story, too. Hell, I want John or some other family member (like ( ... )


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