Why SPN Needs To Catch A Case of “Glee” (spoilers for SPN 6x08 and Glee 2x06)

Nov 14, 2010 00:00

Bargggh!  Hello, flist!  Breaking radio silence!  :D  I feel like I've been stuck in a well for the last month or two or five, but (I think?) I've escaped for now.  *looks around*  Freedom means fandom dorkery, which means Show, which means mindless nattering, which sometimes means meta.  \o/  So ... after watching this past week’s episode of "Glee ( Read more... )

supernatural meta, 6x08, spn, meta

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Comments 27

yourlibrarian November 15 2010, 02:37:45 UTC
Look at how elated and disbelievingly happy he is, like he’s walked straight into the dream of a gay-teenager-stuck-in-the-middle-of-tiny-town-Ohio-where-the-most-popular-restaurant-is-named-“Breadsticks”.

Heh, that and the slo-mo run made me laugh.

and his first boy kiss was an oral attack from the person he probably hates the most

Sidetracking a bit, I found this such an interesting scene. On the one hand, rather a cliche that it would end that way (Mike even said, referencing Buffy, "Hey look, it's Larry!"). But at the same time, I thought that said so much about teenage behavior in general, that being attracted to someone often enrages people and brings out terrible behavior, and also that someone who's the victim of that behavior finds it even worse that it's due to an attraction.

And that emotional contrast is what SPN has been lacking this season, making it a one-way emotional rollercoaster that only goes downhill.

Very true.

to be fair, Dean trying to have a positive emotional moment with Sam would be like trying to ( ... )


static_pixie November 15 2010, 05:50:04 UTC
Yeah, especially since desire was always such a big part of Sam's personality. He always wanted things so badly and now, like you're saying, he's just indifferent.


gershwhen November 15 2010, 04:16:42 UTC
I think you put this superbly, and I totally understand where you're coming from. And I feel the same way -- I couldn't articulate it half as well, other than to say I've been really frustrated with the lack of hope for this season.

Your contrast to Glee really fits... I watched Kurt watch the singing and it was just so RIGHT and HAPPY. And at that moment, I sort of wanted him to bail from school and join the private school ranks. But at least Kurt has the option of thinking he's got hope (and maybe a cool boyfriend!). Dean, on the other hand, had me seriously thinking Friday, "Well, maybe sending Sam's body back to Hell wouldn't be such a bad thing. Or at least you need to take Bobby and go hunting and leave Sam with the Campbells." There is only so much angst you can take when there is no upside.

Thanks for the interesting perspective and helping me understand why I've been so frustrated with my favorite show.


juice4711 November 15 2010, 05:18:09 UTC
This summed up my feelings about this season of supernatural. I am also very frustrated with the direction Dean and Sam's relationship has taken.

Sam's speech at the end of episode 8 rings false to me. I find it very hard to believe that Sam really wants to get his soul back.

I will probably continue to watch this season just to see how they resolve this plot line but I have not really enjoyed any of this seasons episodes so far.


static_pixie November 15 2010, 06:12:07 UTC
Yeah, you hit it on the head. And Sam's speech didn't even give me much hope because he admitted that the other emotional speech he made was BS. In both speeches he told Dean exactly what Dean wanted to hear, so why believe him?

I am thisclose to not watching it again until Sam gets his soul back. It's just so depressing to sit there and watch them not know each other. And to what purpose? If Sam's eventually going to get his soul back, what's the point in putting viewers through this, where's the character growth? Is Dean supposed to learn to love hunting without Sam? Is he supposed to connect to other people more? It's not just that the storyline is depressing, it feels pointlessly depressing as well.


werty30 November 15 2010, 06:40:48 UTC
There’s no point in hoarding your candy to give out later when everyone else leaves because you’ve only demonstrated that you’re a bad sharer.

Hee, that`s a great analogy. This season, they even forgot to mention that there would be peace when you are done. Looks like bringing Sam`s soul back would only bring more misery. I`m still enjoying the show a lot, it`s fun to watch two hot guys kill things and wear plaid like it`s Armani, but it would be so much better with candy.


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