Meat + Procrastination = SPN Vid Recs (bhuz? Shhh, fuzzy logic)

Apr 12, 2009 20:55

After months of laying low and lurking on the edges of fandom, I suddenly looked up and realized I've been hiding away for half of the season and we only have four episodes left until the uber-summer hiatus!  And now I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on all the interesting episode discussions/recaps, meta, vids and ... everything.  :(

The ( Read more... )

vid rec

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Comments 15

karenmiller April 13 2009, 05:14:35 UTC
Wow. Thanks so much for posting those. I am in awe of fan creativity. Seriously? So, so, beautiful. Amazing skills.


bowtrunckle April 14 2009, 03:23:00 UTC
Hi! You're very welcome. I love watching fan vids because I have no idea how they negotiate the technicalities of actually MAKING the vid. Vidding software is a tangle of mysteries to me, so I have a lot of respect for people who can visualize a sequence and then edit clips to make it happen without overdoing it with too many fancy effects that detract from the the overall effect. Go fandom! :)


karenmiller April 25 2009, 04:44:38 UTC
Oh, me either. Every so often I hear a song I think would make for a great vid, but I don't begin to have the technical skills. I am the founder and president of TechnoCretins R Us, you know. *g*


copper_season April 13 2009, 05:51:09 UTC

How are you doing baby wise? I'm dying to hear all about it. LOL. I'm glad you finally got your meat. Heh heh. And that you are taking it a bit easier.

Missed you!



bowtrunckle April 14 2009, 03:28:13 UTC
I'm doing much, much better this week, thanks for asking. It's amazing what a little protein (MEAT! I had it again for dinner tonight ... leftovers FTW!) and an almost full night of sleep can do. I've felt more like myself in the last 36 hours than I have in a LONG time, since January.

I've missed talking to you, too. If you get a chance, let me know when you'll be on IM and I'll see if it matches my schedule and maybe I can drop in. :)


sabaceanbabe April 13 2009, 12:49:47 UTC
Thank you so much for the rec! I'm so very much on the fringes of SPN fandom that sometimes it feels like no one watches my little SPN vids, so learning that you recced me just made my day. :D


bowtrunckle April 14 2009, 03:31:57 UTC
You're welcome! It's the least I could do considering I don't think I commented on your original vid post. But really, you did a beautiful job; this vid pretty much speaks for itself. Thanks for making it. I hope you have some more SPN projects coming down the pipe. :)


zazreil April 14 2009, 02:40:46 UTC
Wow Somebody's Child was fantastic. I haven't watched Kinetic yet but I am on my 4th watching of Sombody's child - wish I could get it a a few others to work on my iPod though so I can carry them with me to Vancouver



bowtrunckle April 14 2009, 03:35:51 UTC
I am on my 4th watching of Sombody's child

Addicting, eh? :D

I've already filled up my iPod, so I've had to remove all video files, *sad face* so I'm not much help when it comes to converting video files and uploading them to an iPot. However, I'll be bringing my laptop to VanCon in case you want to take a peek at the vid on IMEEM or elsewhere.


zazreil April 14 2009, 03:57:33 UTC
I just like watching the vids on the plane which is why I like them on the pod - maybe one day I will splurge on a lap top but I already spent tons on a new camera - btw - con report and pics are up at my LJ



bowtrunckle April 18 2009, 17:02:09 UTC
Con report/pics! I think I scanned through them when you put them up, but I was too tired to read anything in depth or comment properly. But I'll be sure to check them out in detail later today. Looking forward to it!


hugemind April 14 2009, 23:25:55 UTC
Yay for you being brave enough to lower your personal standards. \o/ It's not necessarily as easy as it sounds. Double yay for fannish things eating your brain. ;)

And I'm glad to hear that you could eat meat again. Hopefully, it makes you grow big and strong now. *ignores flashbacks of the YED talking about feeding demon blood to baby!Sammy* *shudders* Obviously, the smart thing to do would be to not channel the YED, because now I feel violated. :P

Ooo, recs. I have a vague feeling that I've maybe seen "Kinetic" before but that first one was definitely new to me. Both look very awesome, though!


bowtrunckle April 18 2009, 16:50:08 UTC
Yay for you being brave enough to lower your personal standards.

And the funny thing? Nobody else seems to notice. So I could've been doing this all along... *snortlaugh*

yay for fannish things eating your brain.

Yes, now that my brain is well fed. :D

Obviously, the smart thing to do would be to not channel the YED, because now I feel violated.

And my first thought was, "I miss Azazel and his crazy, secret plan." On a related but not-so-related note, my big burning fan question now concerns Lilith and Azazel and if they were connected somehow and/or working toward the same end game or if they were adversaries or just part of two demon fractions that didn't really give a rat's ass about each other. *brain pretzel*


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