3x06 Blatherings

Nov 09, 2007 14:15

More than anything, this episode left me uneasy. Plot changes I can handle. New characters I can handle. Brother angst I can handle. What seem to me like changes in fundamental characterization and show ethos, I apparently can’t.

Perhaps it’s the fact Raelle Tucker (who, IMHO, was one of the strongest writers for S1/2) has left the writer’s room ( Read more... )

supernatural meta, 3x06, spn episode review, spn

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Comments 32

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kentawolf November 10 2007, 00:16:39 UTC
I love it to pieces. I just don't want to see it turn into something I don't recognize anymore.

*Nods furiously*

We all want growth. We just want it to retain its writing/visual style that we know and love. I think this is an important point.


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 01:07:34 UTC
We all want growth. We just want it to retain its writing/visual style that we know and love.

Well said. And the only thing I have to add is that the flat light, undersaturated colors, and deep shadows better return with the Vancouver winters. I want my grit and realism back!


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 01:04:51 UTC
It's like Dean becomes OOC whenever Bela is around. I don't get that. I don't know where the show is going with it, you know?

More than anything, I'm getting these weird wistful feelings about the show ... like "oh, S1/S2 where are you?" And I think that has me more worried than anything else because it means that there's something important MISSING in S3. This really makes me worried that the best of the show has already passed. :(

That feeling has everything to do with the "where's the show going" thing you mention. Where is the show going? *bites lip* I want to just say "have faith in the writers blah blah" but considering that the way they've written Dean with Bela, I'm having a hard time investing in that.

I just don't want to see it turn into something I don't recognize anymore. Me too! It's sort of bizzare to become strangely attached to and protective of a fictional universe, but that's why stories are created, so people can connect with them and the characters. I hope S3 proves to be something we can all still ( ... )


kjpzak November 9 2007, 23:44:11 UTC
Oh thank goodness it just wasn't me! For a bit I was thinking I just hadn't paid enough attention to the episode (since I was multi-tasking at the time and I realize that's unspeakable for some) to really get it. But reading your thoughts just confirmed that yeah, I was disappointed ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 01:27:34 UTC
By this time in the series, the boys' bond should be cemented.

Yes, and that I think why watches the same "fight scene" rehashed over and over is so uncomfortable. The boys disconnect in early S2 was them floundering around and finding their feet after John died, but now it's them actively pushing each other, not negotiating around each other. Ack.

the tuxes were nice, but it felt contrived, as it was written only for the purpose of putting boys in them.

I agree with you. I don't want to complain about the lovely eye candy this episode because it would be like looking a gift horse in the mouth. *glee* However, IF they were going to stick the boys in tuxes anyway, I think it was appropriate they did it in an episode that had an upper class feel to it (note the not normal upper class surroundings and Bela's presence).

The problem is there is no flirtation. There's no sexual tension there. There's no chemistry building.

Yeah. Force fed, I think. I can see how they attempted to inject it simply by creating the "spy situation ( ... )


kjpzak November 10 2007, 04:07:32 UTC
As I was taping my bedroom to paint it this afternoon, all that kept going through my head was Scott telling us that even if the character is evil, there has to be something about her we like, some reason we should be concerned for her, root for her, care about what happens to her. Right now, I'm rather hoping a demon happens to Bela...

The boys disconnect in early S2 was them floundering around and finding their feet after John diedThis makes total sense. They just reunited with Dad, some might even argue sort of made peace with the man, been given some hope with the Colt and then "poof" or should I say "crash" and he's gone and Dean is left with the guilt of not being able to repay a favor he didn't ask for. That's rather noble and fitting for a guy who has only shown in his own way the greatest of concern for his family. Until now. A character with that deep, ingrained sense of loyalty might go off the deep end (just because he could for once) but he'd come around sooner rather than later. That voice of responsibility can't ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 18:07:02 UTC
all that kept going through my head was Scott telling us that even if the character is evil, there has to be something about her we like, some reason we should be concerned for her, root for her, care about what happens to her.

Whoot! See something from class stuck! :) Way to use your education. Bela has very few redeeming qualities right now (actually none that I can think of off hand). The "nobody understood" line about her dark and mysterious past involving the death of a family member was the writer's attempt to engage us/create sympathy for her. But I think it was introduced too late. I hope that we get a softer Bela in the future, one that we can learn to identify with.

I'm rather hoping a demon happens to Bela... *dies laughing* Stick Ruby on her. I bet there's going to be a few "I hate Bela"-flavored fics out there after 3x06 where she gets killed off. A great crack!fic would be Bela picking on poor, damsel!Sam (maybe even shooting him again) and Ruby comes along and takes Bela out ( ... )


kentawolf November 10 2007, 00:14:25 UTC
Forgive me for not quoting everything and responding to it, but I would literally just be quoting each sentence and only writing "Ditto" underneath it. Which is a disservice to the quite crisp reaction you've had here.

So in short - and this beautifully expressed piece of worry deserves more - I agree. 100%.


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 01:31:52 UTC
Thanks for dropping in. :)

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who seems to be a little concerned. Whew. Seriously, I was wondering if I was in outer space about this.

Let's just hope all these worries don't turn into something more and they they just stay 3x06 worries, not entire S3 worries.


kuromatic November 10 2007, 00:29:59 UTC
It's tough. Because I want to only see the squee. But there were a few things off: the Bela shooting Sam dismissal, the Sam saying she had style. Both jarred HARD with me. And, just on a personal note, I did not find the old lady mauling Sam all that funny ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 01:51:59 UTC
He can't be that old Dean and still let go of Sam. So he's not old Dean. He's some subconsciously panicing hybrid.

I agree with this and disagree with this (lol, is that possible?). You're right, he can't be the old Dean and let Sam go because the old Dean always put Sam's well-being first. Deep down I think Dean knows exactly how devestating his death would be on Sam, but he's in DENIAL because to acknowledge that would be an admission of guilt and would contradict most everything Dean's done to keep Sam from NOT getting hurt. How ironic, then, is it that it's Dean himself, Sam's protector, who is the one harming him the most.

But this is where I respectfully disagree with you. I think we've seen Dean behave like this before. His dismissiveness, his joke cracking, his inablilty to make eye contact with Sam, the throw away comments about him dying ... it was all in "Faith" (except not to the degree we're seeing now).

He weighed things up when Sam died, decided he wasn't worth it.Yes, I think Dean's self worth definitely plays ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 02:11:32 UTC

And, just on a personal note, I did not find the old lady mauling Sam all that funny...

You know, I thought about that a lot. I definitely wouldn't have been giggling if it was a younge female character getting gropped by a old man. *looks disapproving* Then I felt a guilty for enjoying Sam getting manhandled and wondered why it's permissible for that to be "funny" when the converse is something that a show wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole for fear of getting reprimanded by the network.

I have no good answer and I still feel slight guilt for rewatching that scene with a smile on my face. It's Sam, and him getting any female attention never fails to crack me up! *feels shame for getting delight out of Sam's pain*


kjpzak November 10 2007, 04:12:45 UTC
You know, in all honesty, that was the part of the show that just really made me throw my hands up in the air. Gert was too old to make that appealing to watch. Sam getting malled by a put together, up-dooed society ma'am is one thing, but Gert was old. Old, old. It was creepy.


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bowtrunckle November 10 2007, 01:58:20 UTC
I'm glad that dropped in and left your thoughts.

I feel like I'm losing the thing that makes the show itself, and Dean being *okay* with someone shooting *Sam* is just so beyond my comprehension I can't even articulate it.

That's the basis of my concern, too. That the show is beginning to migrate to a place that, while interesting and maybe good story telling, might be at odds with what it's foundation was to begin with ... what drew us all in in the first place. I'm all for show growth and trying new things, but when characters take on different personalities or begin to act in contradictory ways without a satisfactory explanation, it becomes a whole new monster with different rules.

I'm looking forward to Gordon and Kubric showing up and stirring the pot. *loves psycho Gordon*


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