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bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 00:39:17 UTC
*squees at confetti throwing then grabs more and tosses it around*

Oo, thank you for being so complimentary! :)

I'm just happy that this inspired you to watch that episode again because more show watching can't be a bad thing, right? ;) And this episode was so much fun with Dean getting oogled by the lady cougars and then giggling at Ben kicking a kid in the crotch (oh, Dean, that is so you) and then there was ketchup!demon horking down all of Sam's food while he just sat there and flared his nostrils (oh, Sam, that is so you). :) I could go on forever with my insane show love, but I won't. *throws more confetti*

Thanks so much for dropping in. *hugs*


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bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 01:47:48 UTC
I just re-watched BDaBR last night in fact.

That's one of my favorite episodes. I love how Sam's mannerisms are all "wrong" when he's Meg!demon; he walks different, talks different, holds himself different, even looks at people different. This is when I realized that actors are important *laughs* and that JP had given Sam a signature style that when gone left me a little out of sorts.

ogling Jensen and his lips, and Jensen licking his lips, and you know, Jensen.

You must've loved the scene with Casey!demon in the basement when Dean forgot the Latin incantation for the exorcism ritual. I swear his lips somehow got bigger. Magic.

dammit I have to watch them all again. Life's hard.

Ah, yes, life is hard when one of your hobbies is watching good looking men with nice lips! And, in your case, writing about them!

And horray for getting more comfortable in the fandom. :)


ruby_jelly November 4 2007, 22:33:49 UTC
This is brilliant! I wish stirring the dust in the alleyways of my mind stirred up such interesting stuff.

You know that old saying, "I don't know art, but I know what I like",? Well, it's great to read your stuff, and understand why it drew me in, telling the story so effectively. I'm realising why I like what I like; and it's not just the pretty boys! Shhh!

You rock!


bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 00:50:09 UTC
Hi! Thank you so much for giving my meta brain a tiny boost. :) I thought this meta seemed sort of flat, but it's good to know that it might've articulated your love for this episode.

I'm realising why I like what I like; and it's not just the pretty boys! Shhh!

*grins* Let me tell you a secret. I may flail around and spaz out over the prettiness, shirt colors, and random things like how Dean gives his sandwiches his signature death clutch and how Sam holds a pencil all weird, but I watch the show because I love the story. Period. Casting could've probably picked two different actors (*gasp*) and I still probably would've loved The Show (but probably not as much). So I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. *wink*

Thanks for reading!


thenyxie November 4 2007, 22:41:16 UTC
Wow. You continue to astound and amaze me. Making me love this ep, in which I found the camera work to NOT be as good as in previous eps just humbles me. Clearly I was looking at it all wrong. The symmetry here gives me CHILLS.

As always, I <3 your brain!


bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 01:02:21 UTC
Hi again!

This episode grew on me, too. But that's what usually happens to me (with a few exceptions like "BUaBS" and "WiAWSNB"); it seems that I need a digestion period to calm down or toss an episode around in my head for a while. But now "TKAA" has snuck onto my YAY list. :)

Clearly I was looking at it all wrong.

You know, the great thing about all this cinematography blabber is that rarely is anything just plain WRONG. We all watch for different things and we all interpret what we see differently. So I don't think it's that you saw anything the wrong way. And who's to say I'm not orbiting Pluto anyway (because most of the time I am). ;)

The symmetry here gives me CHILLS.

When I saw those three screencaps I got a little shivery as well.

Oo. I have to tell you that I think you're totally right about your previous observation about S3 being purposefully brighter! :) hugemind has proof!



sadelyrate November 4 2007, 23:08:58 UTC
You know, I never even noticed the similarities in the poses, or the linear lines. Not consciously. But when you put the screenshots together, it's pretty damn obvious.

Though Sam's screencap differs from the women's in that he's also on the 'wrong side'. He's on our left, whereas the women are on our right. The women lean against the door/the wall near it; Sam more or less faces the motel room's door.

But the symmetry of the power points... *jaw hits the floor*

This is, without a doubt, amazing. Your familiarity with the concepts of filming, the building of the scene, the camerawork brings something new to the metas that I don't think I've seen anyone else doing. Methinks I must revise my own meta on 3x02 now. Just, you know, to see if I've forgotten something vitally important.
Save that I'll save that for tomorrow. Now I'm far too impressed by your pure awesomeness.
And wait with eagerness the next installment. Though now I'm wondering if the thing the YED "could never do" is separating the boys, breaking their ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 01:27:50 UTC
I'm so glad you stopped by and left your thoughts considering how busy you are with RL. *hugs*

Though Sam's screencap differs from the women's in that he's also on the 'wrong side'.

I had a paragraph in here about him being on the left side of the screen but I took it out because ... uh ... I thought it sounded inflated and just sort of overly text bookish (which was beyond my usual meta text-book sounding blah blah voice). *headdesk*

It was about how our eyes immediately gravitate to the brightest part of the screen (the red lamps) and the invisible lines formed by the top of those wall panels direct our eye from left to right straight toward our Sammikins. The motion across the screen from left to right is "unnatural" (as our eyes read from left to right) and can be a subtle way to increase tension. As I understand it, it's most effective when used between shots, not necessarily within a shot (but I could totally be wrong about this ... I don't know, I'll have to figure this out someday I suppose). Anyway, that's what I was ( ... )


sadelyrate November 5 2007, 21:16:30 UTC
I just feel bad for not having time to comment on everything...

It might be just me being a sucker for every damn detail, so don't feel too bad about leaving out the "Sam's different from the women"-part. :)

And 3x02 is just begging to be metaed. Though I do wonder if anyone could meta about it without using some screenshot of Sam all forlorn on that bed...

One might say that say that it doesn't take a genius/psychic to figure out that bit about the YED and the boys. Because that's the last thing he tried to do, and the only thing he failed at with the Winchesters. He even got the boys to doubt themselves and John, but each other? Not a chance, buddy.

Angst is an inseparable part of the Show and thus, the fan projects, methinks. So it's okay to meta the heck out of it, too. Sometimes that's the only way to deal with it all.



bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 01:39:08 UTC
I must be suffering from a temporary case of dyslexia because I got my left and right mixed up! LOL. OMG. What I meant was:

the invisible lines formed by the top of those wall panels direct our eye from right to left straight toward our Sammikins. The motion across the screen from right to left is "unnatural"


hearseeno November 5 2007, 02:10:42 UTC
the ketchup!demon


I really enjoyed your analysis of the physical properties of the shots. Although I know a bit about symmetry, balance and the rule of thirds from the art/craft stuff I do, I'm completely self-taught and so have a lot of holes in that education. You make me wish I'd had the chance to take some kind of film class. :)

Huh.. Interesting that 2 out of the 3 also have doors in the frame. Think that really highlights what you're saying about the impact of the choices they made.

Wonderful points of comparison, BT (uh... okay if I call you that?). I find it so fascinating to see how much the case story-arc reflects Sam's journey story-arc. Even though at first glance, at least to me, it seemed that the two are only incidentally related, Sam and Dean's journeys plopped willy-nilly into the same episode, it seems not so.

Wwwwwwhhhhich makes me wonder about other episodes, too, particularly 3x05. Must ponder some more. See what you started? *G*

Then I’ll discuss how these themes tie into the mytharc ( ... )


hearseeno November 5 2007, 20:22:29 UTC
It's been a few hours since I first read your entry, Billie, and my head's still spinning because of it. Daaaang, GRRRLLL, but you've got a sexy brain. :D


bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 23:24:28 UTC
LOL! A sexy brain ... wow, it looks like the sequins and brightly colored glitter did wonders. You know, if something is lacking in substance just dress it up and make it pretty.

*sprinkles more glitter*


bowtrunckle November 5 2007, 23:18:13 UTC
Hello! :)

I'm glad that you took some time to stop by.

You make me wish I'd had the chance to take some kind of film class. :)

Well there's no time like the present, eh? There are a couple of awesome books on film that are easy reads if you're into that sort of thing and have the time for it. I can give your the ISBN's if you're interested.

I only took one film class in university as an elective where we spent a lot of time doing group projects and analyzing movies other students picked out like Michelle Pfeiffer's "Dangerous Minds" *headdesk*. Not that I'm one to preach about Hollywood movies because I LOVE THEM (hello Harry Potter and Transformers), but it with all the wonderful movies out there to study in a film class with someone who knew interesting things, it was unfortunate we spent a week gazing at something so ... erm ... lackluster. So I filled stuff by just learning things on my own, which was good and bad; my papers were always way to long. Imagine that! *snortlaugh*.

Interesting that 2 out of the 3 also ( ... )


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