Books for sale

Apr 02, 2011 16:48

Books I am getting rid of. Yours if you're interested - come May, the ones that are left will be going to local charity shops.

EDIT: Books that were not claimed have now all been donated to Mind on Burleigh Street in Cambridge, in case you were after them and would like to know where to acquire them. Edge magazines are still available, pending me figuring out how best to dispose of them.


* Marriage and Morals, Bertrand Russell, 1970 edition.
* Probability Theory, A.M. Arthurs (a very thin book about probability).
* The AA Essential Guide - Tenerife.
* Ig Nobel Prizes 2, Marc Abrahams.
* A Japanese Mirror, Ian Buruma.
* In Print - Text and Type in the Age of Desktop Publishing, Alex Brown. Hardcover.
* About Face - Reviving the rules of typography, David Jury. Hardcover.
* Japanese Made Possible, Hiroko Takeuchi (comes with vocab and answer booklet).
* Kanji Power - a Workbook for Mastering Japanese Characters, John Millen.
* The Way to Write Science Fiction, Brian Stableford.
* The Build Master, Vincent Maraia (how to configure automatic software builds, strong MS focus).
* Java Made Simple, Peter McBride, 1997 edition.
* Guide^2 Analysis, Mary Hart, 2nd edition (undergraduate guide to analysis).
* HTML 3.2 Starter Kit, with CD. No, seriously. (The CD has never even been opened.)
* Mastering Object-Oriented Design in C++, Cay S. Horstmann.
* A Ride in the Neon Sun, Josie Dew (travelogue of a foreigner cycling around Japan).
* The Architecture of Symbolic Computers, Peter M. Kogge.
* Phonetics, J.D. O'Connor. Pending, Felix
* Semantics: a New Outline, F.R. Palmer. Pending, Felix
* Linguistics, David Crystal. Pending, Felix
* Introducing Linguistic Morphology, Laurie Bauer. Pending, Felix
* Language Is Power, John Honey.
* Algebra, J.W. Archbold.
* Red Brick University, Bruce Truscot.
* Unity in the Dark, Donald Gillies.
* The Mathematical Tourist: snapshots of modern mathematics, Ivars Peterson.
* Movies in Fifteen Minutes, Cleolinda Jones.

Role-playing game books

* Laws of the Night: Camarilla Guide, White Wolf (a player guide for Vampire the Masquerade MET; book number WW 5017). Pending, Keeper
* Laws of the Night: Sabbat Guide, White Wolf (VtM MET book; book number WW 5018). Pending, Keeper
* Prince's Primer, White Wolf (another VtM MET book; book number WW 2232). Pending, Keeper
* The Book of Nod, White Wolf (also VtM MET; book number WW 2251). Pending, Keeper
* Revelations of the Dark Mother, White Wolf (VtM MET again; book number WW 2024). Pending, Keeper

Fiction (novels)

* Fianovar Tapestry, books 1-3 (The Summer Tree, The Wandering Fire, The Darkest Road), Guy Gavriel Kay. £2 for all three.
* The Ruby Knight, David Eddings. Trade paperback (i.e. large paperback).
* Heresy, Anselm Audley. Pending, DiceEater
* Bellwether, Connie Willis.
* Passage, Connie Willis.
* Pirates!, Celia Rees.
* Soldier of the Mist, Gene Wolfe.
* Gun with Occasional Music, Jonathan Lethem.
* Kimono, John Paris, 1947 edition.

Fiction (short stories and other)

* Impossible Things, Connie Willis.
* Across the Wall, Garth Nix (set in same universe as Sabriel books). Pending, Taxellor
* Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare.

Manga / comics

* Yakitate!! Japan volume 5, Takashi Hashiguchi.
* My Monkey's Name is Jennifer #3, Ken Knudtsen. Single comic, 50p for this.
* Secret History of The Authority: Jack Hawksmoor, Mike Costa and Fiona Staples. Pending, Draxar

Foreign language

* Dictionnaire Inverse de la Langue Française, Alphonse Juilland. Hardcover.
* Le petit livre de Recettes végétariennes, Carole Nitsche. Very small, 50p for this.
* The Analysis of Ghost In The Shell - Japanese artbook of the first Ghost in the Shell movie. Pretty even if you don't read Japanese.
* Message from the Sea, Aisha Takase - photos of sea creatures with Japanese and English captions. Pending, Draxar
* いのち華やぐ (Brilliant wishes?), author name is 瀬戸内 寂聴, it is indeed entirely in Japanese.
* 心の仕組み - I think this is "How the Mind Works", by Steven Pinker, in 3 volumes in Japanese. £1 for the lot.

Bonus - Edge magazines

I have quite a few of these left over from when I used to buy it regularly. If you're interested in any of these, it is £1 for as many as you want. Issues found so far:


sell sell sell, rl, reading

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