LOL i kind of want my friend adrianne to get a free one so i can listen to it without having to actually buy it.
you know, a buy-before-you-try sort of thing.
if you're marissa, i'm your summer. because i really don't need to cry about a little bitch who sailed away on his boat didn't pick up the phone when i called him on his birthday and i got all up in a tizzle until i realized a-i shouldn't get up in a tizzle about a little bitch who doesn't pick up the phone and b-it'd be really awkward if i hung out with him again {which will happen next week.}
1) "Caleb totally had an affair with that ugly chick." 2) "Caleb's paying that ugly chick money because they had a child out of wedlock." 3) "The out of wedlock child is totally Ryan's ugly new girlfriend!"
Comments 16
you know, a buy-before-you-try sort of thing.
if you're marissa, i'm your summer. because i really don't need to cry about a little bitch who sailed away on his boat didn't pick up the phone when i called him on his birthday and i got all up in a tizzle until i realized a-i shouldn't get up in a tizzle about a little bitch who doesn't pick up the phone and b-it'd be really awkward if i hung out with him again {which will happen next week.}
coop, wanna go shop at south coast? ;oD
lindsay = caleb's daughter?
(which might explain why i hate her so much)
which other ones? THAT THE DANCE HAD A PENGUIN?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
2) "Caleb's paying that ugly chick money because they had a child out of wedlock."
3) "The out of wedlock child is totally Ryan's ugly new girlfriend!"
how good am I?
(ps: both "renee wheeler" AND lindsay are helllla fugs)
There was potential, but she's too full of herself.
I'll still watch her movies though.
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