I've been ranting against the stimulus bill since it was first crafted. Not that I'm against the intent - I'm for the intent. I am o.k. with going more in debt to build bridges and roads and put people back to work creating things that will benefit us for generations as a country
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Comments 31
I didn't vote for the guy, but I was willing to give him a chance. He's not looking too good right now.
Ice Bear is going to get to do a lot of "I told you so"ing if they went in so soon.
More regulation is never good no matter what it is in service to. "That government governs best, which governs least."
Just my not so humble opinion.
Some more links that might help round out the picture. (I have misgivings; but I think that this administration cannot possibly do worse than the last one, so I'm willing to wait and see what happens.)
Congress passes stimulus package with $100B-plus for healthcare
Health Care and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Healthcare Stimulus Provisions
The McCaughey-Olbermann Volley
That's according to the guy they just tried to make head of this thing.
I've been saying for a long time now that we would be far better off if we drafted our officials instead of electing them. To be eligible for the draft they would have to meet a minimum IQ requirement, have a high school diploma and have to successfully complete a 6 month intensive civics course.
Unfortunately election means have more money and money = corruption. I'd rather have a less functional government that was at least at its heart for the people than I would a functioning but highly corrupt one as we have now.
The fact that you agree with some of my far out reform ideas just seals the fact that we have to meet face to face when next I come to san fran.
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