Pop culture > real life.

Jul 18, 2010 21:10

I just got back from seeing Inception, and omg, it was awesome! Definitely recommended. I don't go to the cinema as often as I like but I'm really glad I did for this, because it was brilliant. Okay, there were some parts that were either a bit confusing or plot holes, but it didn't really matter. Plus, you know, I love Ellen Page (even if she does ( Read more... )

*books are meant to be my life, *tv makes me happy, *work sucks, *films are awesome

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Comments 16

ems July 18 2010, 20:35:56 UTC
I really want to like Fringe but Olivia annoys the HELL out of me. Tell me why she's wonderful, it might help me feel better.


botherd July 18 2010, 21:07:50 UTC
:O :O :O I don't even know how to explain it, because it seems so self-evident to me! Like, okay, for a start she's really really hot and pings my gaydar so incredibly hard, and shallow reasons are obviously important. She's a totally badass FBI agent (you may be driving away in a car, but she can still SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD), but then when she comes home she's completely adorable with her niece and totally married to her sister. WHAT. I'm sure there are more reasons why I love her but I can't think of any now, I'm too busy being surprised that she annoys you!

ETA: I thought of more reasons! I like that she's a hot chick with superpowers without being a Hot Chick With Superpowers in the Whedon sense (IDK if that makes any sense and I'm not sure how to explain it). I like that she's stoic and suppresses her emotions in order to get the job done and/or protect her family. I like her really complex relationship with Walter. (I don't like her relationship with Peter, because they have ZERO chemistry.) I like how she's not afraid to deal ( ... )


haz_l July 18 2010, 20:58:13 UTC
Tom has a job??? Cool! What is he *meant* to be doing though? I thought he was going down the Masters/PhD route?


botherd July 18 2010, 21:09:32 UTC
He has! And, literally, his job is to promote the place he works for through social networking, so he basically goes on Facebook and Twitter all day. But yeah, it's just a temporary thing and in September he's going to Leeds to do an MSc in quantum information.


hannahness July 18 2010, 21:27:20 UTC
Yay Inception! I wonder if I can successfully drag the Robster to see it, because I reallyreally want to. I'm tragically cinema-buddy-less at the moment...and now there are actually films I want to see, after a whole month of nothing. :(

I really should know this (and have been a bad, bad friend lately) but what job are you supposed to be doing?

I've just started watching all the episodes of Castle that my Mum recorded for me on the V+ and LOVE it, mainly because Nathan Fillion is eternally awesome. Film-wise I watched Brick and couldn't get over the fact one of the characters was the spit of my stats lecturer, and I have a copy of Let The Right One In waiting to be watched.


botherd July 18 2010, 22:01:37 UTC
Oh, you should definitely try and see it! It's really awesome.

The job I'm meant to be doing is "library and information officer", emphasis supposedly on the library side (while a colleague focuses on the information part) for an organisation that promotes the rights of disabled people, but it's turning into some sort of benefits advice thing and I feel woefully out of my depth. :(


hannahness July 18 2010, 22:05:01 UTC
Is it in Leicester, or have you moved away completely now?


botherd July 18 2010, 22:08:41 UTC
It's in Leicester. Still living with the parents, although we're out in the county now. Hopefully once my initial six month contract is up I'll be able to get some more money and move out.


Blow out all your candles! dbmerlin July 18 2010, 23:28:29 UTC
I hope you have more luck with your birthday than I did!
Olivia Dunham was also on my b-day list... that was 6 months ago. I'm still waiting.


Re: Blow out all your candles! botherd July 19 2010, 10:45:59 UTC
Heh, thanks! I'm crossing my fingers. How difficult can it be to gift a fictional character as a birthday present, anyway? ;)


supergoodtimes July 18 2010, 23:30:34 UTC
I finished The Hunger Games two books ago and started Catching Fire yesterday, which is coincidental.. but not really because I feel everyone is reading these books at the moment! I think the last in the trilogy is out next month too. :)
After all the great things I've heard about Inception I feel as though I should go an see it now, even though the trailer made me all meh.


botherd July 19 2010, 10:49:35 UTC
Your icon makes me lol every time I see it. Love Tom!

Yeah, I think the third book is out the day before my birthday. :D I'm just about to go and buy Catching Fire on my lunchbreak, which I'm stupidly excited about!

I didn't watch the Inception trailer before I saw the film so I can't really say whether it's a good representation, but the film really was great. Lots of cool stuff in the special effects/fight scenes/blowing shit up department, plus interesting thinky plot stuff and compelling characters.


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