Achievement Unlocked

Jun 08, 2011 17:20

There was only one item on the list of Stuff White People Like that I hadn't incorporated into my life: playing children's games (#102).

But now I can cross that one off the list, as Venessa and some of her friends have roped me into joining their kickball team, Team Zissou. I suck at all baseball-diamond-type games, but I'm having a lot of fun with the team. The best part is doing "taunts" which are like cheers but instead of cheering about how good your team is, they're skits about how bad the other team is.

Last time we played an AD&D themed team so in the taunt I was a nerdy role-playing guy, which for those of you who knew me in middle school isn't much of a stretch. After the taunt we blast some Girl Talk (#107) on the boom box, crack open some beer (#23), and play ball in our matching Life Aquatic (#10) inspired outfits.

It's full-on hipsterville but I've learned to embrace it. Now that I've completed every item on the SWPL list, who am I to deny my true nature?

PS: Kickball kills two SWPL birds with one stone: children's games, and co-ed sports (#65) but I already play ultimate frisbee (#110) which is co-ed.

PPS: I've actually been called "the Yoda of stuffwhitepeoplelike"

life, sports

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