There are some universal truths about areas used as infirmaries: they tend to be white; smell like disinfectant; involve lots of waiting; bad food; and we mentioned lots of waiting, right
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...Yeah. Given the 'flirt with anything that moves' combined Luke's expression means Tyler is so not asking.
"Right. Here's what I think my story is." Tyler holds up a hand, with Luke's memory it's not likely either are going to forget it.
"I was being transported from another time with some scientific samples of an odd species of mushroom. Something, damned if I know what, buggered up my time transport and I found myself in something was was definitely earth and definitely non-terranan in design. I started poking around, found you escaping and deciding to help you get out. You hacked the computers so we didn't show up on internal sensors. We ran into the aliens. I hid you somewhere and faced them off." Tyler pauses. This is the part that Luke did not see. "I bluffed and fooled them into thinking I was from this Shadow Proclamation. They took the hint and the bait and returned everything before running like scalded cats."
They'd better be decent in there, because Martha's coming in!
The inquisition arrives in the form of one Dr. Martha Jones. And by 'inquisition', the narration means 'bedside cheerful inquisitive'. Or possibly 'tea', because she brings some for Luke.
What the hell. She knows the boy.
"Hello," she says as she hands said tea off to Luke, friendly manner firmly in place. "How are things in here?"
"Doing alright, he's quite a bit more talkative now that the sedative is working it's way out..." Tyler replies, smiling cheerfully, with a very light tone.
"Just some relative information as to the where and the when I've ended up." Tyler smirks taking a careful sip of tea. "It's a bit disorienting to end up on an alien ship when you were supposed to be headed back to work to study something. I'm very glad it was on Earth, though I wasn't too keen on what it was doing on the planet."
"Pretty good, actually. Didn't expect much trouble in that era, the worst thing I have to worry about there is the giant scorpians." Tyler replies. "And I got my samples just fine inside of the case."
"Giant scorpian stingers. We are talking scorpians as large as alligators." He gestures to about the height and general length of one of these creatures. "They haven't evolved venom yet, but you kind don't want a 9 inch spike impaled through any part of your anatomy, and I'm rather attached yo my anatomy."
...Yeh he caught that.
"As I said earlier, I was sent to pick up specimens of a few extinct fungal species, Psilocybe diabolazureus, Capitaneus americanus and Araneae vires."
"...have I told you how I really don't like infirmaries?"
"Right. Here's what I think my story is." Tyler holds up a hand, with Luke's memory it's not likely either are going to forget it.
"I was being transported from another time with some scientific samples of an odd species of mushroom. Something, damned if I know what, buggered up my time transport and I found myself in something was was definitely earth and definitely non-terranan in design. I started poking around, found you escaping and deciding to help you get out. You hacked the computers so we didn't show up on internal sensors. We ran into the aliens. I hid you somewhere and faced them off." Tyler pauses. This is the part that Luke did not see. "I bluffed and fooled them into thinking I was from this Shadow Proclamation. They took the hint and the bait and returned everything before running like scalded cats."
Can you spot any big holes in this story?
It'll work!
So long as Tyler is good with winging anything they need to add, anyway.
Let other people make up the story for him.
"Good, soon as this settles out..."
The inquisition arrives in the form of one Dr. Martha Jones. And by 'inquisition', the narration means 'bedside cheerful inquisitive'. Or possibly 'tea', because she brings some for Luke.
What the hell. She knows the boy.
"Hello," she says as she hands said tea off to Luke, friendly manner firmly in place. "How are things in here?"
Okay. How to hit on this woman.
WHAT. Luke told him to!
Teh talkative is distracted by teh tea, kthnx.
"And did Dr. Smith have anything interesting to say?"
"Yeah? Something exciting and new?"
He's a Time Agent, right? So history for him might not be history for them.
This is Time Logic. Martha is well-versed in it.
Then, "Samples of what?"
...Yeh he caught that.
"As I said earlier, I was sent to pick up specimens of a few extinct fungal species, Psilocybe diabolazureus, Capitaneus americanus and Araneae vires."
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