To everyone who commented, pm'd or emailed me in response to my vent post: thank you. It's not enough to express everything I feel, the amount of appreciation and affection I have, but it will have to do. <3
I tend to see things I want to post about, save them with the intent of polishing up an entry later and posting it and then- let them
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Comments 65
I totally side ship Beckett and Esposito
I never knew this was even a thing in fandom! And then all of a sudden, I saw all these pics of Jon and Stana being adorable, and people talking about how they should be together and I'm like, 'But...Castle/Beckett=OTP?'
BUT NOW I SEE IT, OMG. I can't multi-ship, my brain isn't wired that way! I'm gonna try and reset it to the 'aww, cute brother/sister relationship' thing it was on before...
What do you think of him and Lanie, then? Is that a prob with your side-ship or are you equal-opportunity shipper?
I wish I could multi-ship, it'd make my life so much easier. *sighs* I've sometimes moved on to a new ship- like in Merlin, 'coz they kept invalidating my old one!- but never had two at the same time.
Oh, you write Kevin/Lanie? LOL. I'll have to check that out, if it's on your lj! I go for weird pairings. I had a hankering for Ryan/Alexis at one stage, unfortunately, it's so rare I don't think a fandom exists for it. I just really want to ship her with someone and there's nothing on the show, argh, stupid teenage boys aren't good enough for her. Only Ryan's engaged now, so meh.
I shall keep a look-out for more adorable twitpics to feed your shipper heart!
She IS amazing just pressing that drink machine's button!
I'm so glad you understand! I'm just so in love with her that her just standing there makes my heart flutter. Ack! I'm too easy, lol!
Also, god, how long has Moonlight been out and it's still $60? A friend of mine is making me watch it but um, so not paying that much for it. *eyeroll* I wonder if the library has it... *zooms off*
Really? Dymocks or Borders has it for something like 19.95 or 24.95 last time I was there was so tempted... guess it depends on the place?
OMG, REALLY. *facepalm* See, I thought I saw it for $20 somewhere, which is why it was such a shock when I saw $60+ at JB Hi-Fi and EzyDVD! Maybe it was on sale for a while but now it's back up? Not cool. >_<
Random, but you're not a member of HogwartsIsHome, are you? I can't remember if I've tried to convert you to it or not...but if you have a couple free hours a week, you might find it fun!
If it's Meredith, It'd give the writers awesome stuff to explore and I bet Kate would be spending tons of time with the Castles, specially helping Alexis getting over it and consequently helping her too. I wouldn't mind a bit of drama for the Castles.
I just hope it's not Martha! She can't die. She's awesome!!
But yeah, it'd suck if it were Montgomery, he's such a nice boss. >_< I could see it going down the way you say, they corner the suspect and he shoots his way out.
Andrew M. said that Beckett's going to take some time to figure out the impact that solving her mom's murder has on her*ohnoes* That makes it sound like it could be Pyhrric victory or however you spell it, where you win the day but at a very high cost that doesn't make it seem worthwhile. It must be someone close them, then. Which rules out Gina, which was my hope ( ... )
Susan said I don’t know how they’re going to do it. and someone on Tumblr thought that maybe he'll fake his death and come back later because well, killing someone is easy right ? So there must a twist in there somewhere. I truly hope that's the case.
never got anything from that time Beckett LIVED WITH CASTLE. She moved in with him, right, after her apartment got blown up? Why didn't we see any domestic scenes?! *pouts*I KNOW RIGHT? and the bizarre thing was that when they caught the killer, Castle returned home alone. I mean, she didn't have a place to stay in the beginning of the episode and at the end she had ( ... )
Also, those pics are so cute! I love all of them and Nathan Fillion is probably the sexiest man I've ever seen (besides Alan, of course). And I could totally see a past Beckett/Esposito relationship! They are closer than her and Ryan and I think they would have been cute together. I'm a die-hard Castle/Beckett shipper, I'd only ship those two in the past haha. XD
As you say, it can't be Alexis, because I don't think he'd have the will to keep working if she died. It'd change the tone of the whole show. They've always juxtaposed the cases against their family dynamic, and it'd throw it off-kilter for it to be her. I'm scared it could be Martha, since she's older, so it'd be more 'reasonable', as opposed to a healthy young woman dying. *wibble*
Gina's perfect! Close enough to Castle for it to throw him, but we couldn't care less!
Fillion is probably the sexiest man I've ever seen (besides Alan, of course)
AHAHA, your disclaimer! ILU! I wish there were more Nathan/Stana pics, but they have a ton of photoshoots together (my icon, hee!) and work together all the time, so it makes sense they wouldn't hang around a lot after work.
a die-hard Castle/Beckett ( ... )
I seriously think if Alexis died, they would have to like, cancel the show or something because it wouldn't make sense for Castle to be able to keep doing anything after that. I think he would be totally crushed if she ever died. And I'm hoping it isn't Martha either...I love her!
I had to throw the disclaimer in there just in case Alan ever found out that I called someone else the sexiest man I'd ever seen, haha. XD
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