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Comments 10

tanyareed October 30 2012, 15:19:31 UTC
Great work! I especially enjoyed the story. I thought it was really well done.


borg_princess October 31 2012, 11:23:30 UTC
Thanks for that! *squish* I just cannot write romance, so I tried to edge my way around it with that prompt, lol. I'm glad it worked for you!


hoshinekoyasha October 30 2012, 19:14:55 UTC
The fic is greeeeeeeeeat


borg_princess October 31 2012, 11:22:31 UTC
Aww, thanks! <3


hoshinekoyasha October 31 2012, 18:51:26 UTC

... )


ariestess November 2 2012, 20:27:07 UTC
Nicely done all around! So much Regina loveliness!


odakota_rose July 6 2015, 05:07:16 UTC
I'm not sure whether i love Regina's fuzzy slippers, pancakes for breakfast, or doing laundry more out of all of this. also this:

(only Regina could make a fairytale sound like a bureaucracy - she could practically feel the woman yearning to scrawl criticism in red pen all over the report of Emma’s handling of the situation: Improper Application of Heroism. Misdirected Display of Compassion. Failure to Operate under Black-and-White World-view. She should’ve presided over Regina’s death with a martyred expression, sermonizing how this was the fate that befell all those who took the path of villainy, probably)



borg_princess July 7 2015, 12:11:27 UTC
Thank you! :D I just re-read this and damn, it's not a bad little ficlet if I do say so myself!


odakota_rose July 8 2015, 05:02:24 UTC
See? This is what I'm sayin'! Do you mind if I rec it over on tumblr?


borg_princess July 9 2015, 06:20:43 UTC
That's totally fine, how flattering! :D


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