Egad! A canon thread!

Apr 23, 2011 20:35

[Several hours after Red's meeting with Green, he still hasn't returned to the house he shares with Blue. True, he's a bit of a night owl, and he said he'd be out training, but... Awesome Island is safer than their home world. Still, it's getting late, and he hasn't returned home.]

~surrogate!red, with: surrogate!blue, letty and cri are idea-ing again, !ic

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reachforfreedom April 24 2011, 01:13:52 UTC
[Blue paced back and forth, nervously. As usual he couldn't sleep. Hek new Red would be out but this late? What was he doing? Maybe he didn't like staying home? After Chris disappearing and all...

Sighing, Blue will eventually wander out to the front porch because they totally have one, hoping the night air would ease his mind.]


reachforfreedom April 24 2011, 07:14:50 UTC
[And Firepup will track Red scent down to a location a little further away. The building the stopped at was slightly further away from the usually housings, but still inconspicuous enough for others to look over. So Red--he was there? Blue will hop off before dashing over and ducking, hopefully out of sight from the windows before recalling Arcanine.

They had to be quiet and sneak in. At least then, they would have the element of surprise. Red...just hang on a little more...]


exileforfreedom April 24 2011, 07:29:54 UTC
[Fulmine's bristling. If Red is hurt any more than what she knows of, godammit, someone is going to get electrocuted to kingdom come! Her fur is sparking with built up electricity, she'd like to just bust in there and get him out.

But they should try to find where exactly he is in there first. She knows that. She knows that but dammit! He's been hurt enough! He could be dying in there for all she knows.]


reachforfreedom April 24 2011, 08:01:13 UTC
[Blue will take a moment to check if there was an alternate entrance. However, there was none he could find. All that was available was the front door. Pressing his ear up against the door he takes a moment to listen to any noise from the other side. Reaching over he half expects the door to be locked, but for whatever reason it wasn't. It's a trap.

A paranoid voice from the back of his mind warns him, but Blue chooses to ignore it. Now wasn't the time to worry about his own safety. Not when Red's was in danger. He'll slip right on in to continue searching out for Red.]


exileforfreedom April 24 2011, 08:08:12 UTC
[Fulmine follows, trying to keep her static to a minimum. She can smell Red, and his blood... He's definitely close. One of these rooms... He has to be in one of them!]


reachforfreedom April 24 2011, 08:22:57 UTC
[Blue will glance about, trying to be as stealthy as possible. Red--which rooms could he be in? His worrying did not cease. He couldn't lose Red, not again. He'll look around for any signs of struggle, or possibly a drop of blood that could have been missed, anything and- that room door why is it left opened?

...Red couldn't be in there, could he? Time to creep towards said room-]


exileforfreedom April 24 2011, 08:47:12 UTC
[Red is indeed in that room. He's on a bed. His wrists and ankles are handcuffed to the bedframe. His eyes are dilated, staring at nothing. There may be a little drool leaking from his mouth. One wrist hangs at a strange angle, broken. There are bandages around his abdomen and thighs, bloody bandages. Fulmine panics; is he even breathing?! His legs...]


reachforfreedom April 24 2011, 08:53:47 UTC
[Blue doesn't even make it to the room the moment his eyes lands upon Red's figure. He stares wide eyed as his mind starts reeling. Blood, so much blood. His mouth opens but no sound comes out from it. No. No, no, no no no nononononoNO.

In an instant, Blue's by Red's side. Why was he- what with a shaky hand he places it upon Red's shoulder. From the look in Red's eyes it seemed he wasn't all there. Who would do such a terrible thing? He had to get Red out of here and quick. But first they had to get rid of those handcuffs.]

...Fulmine, think you can find the keys for me?


exileforfreedom April 24 2011, 09:11:13 UTC
[Fulmine nods, scurrying off to find those keys. They couldn't be far, could they?

Red is probably more relaxed right now than he has been in years. He's trained himself to be a light sleeper, ready to wake into action. He's been forced into relaxation now, though... But he's hurt. Captive. In a position he's been fighting against for years.]


reachforfreedom April 25 2011, 17:38:17 UTC
[Unfortunately for Fulmine said keys were far. They were left within a room that was the furthest from the one Red currently lied in. If she's not careful while heading in there--it's even set to close behind her.

Blue will reach over, to wipe the drool away from Red's mouth. As calm as Blue looked at the moment he was bother horrified and upset with the state Red was in. This was a scene from his nightmare come true. Who in their right mind do this to Red? Blue will wonder as his hand trails towards the handcuffs. He had to wait for Fulmine to return with the-]

...ugh! [A sharp pain pierces through Blue's side. He staggers, before clumsily turning. His hand grasps his fresh injury, trying to press against his wound that was beginning to bleed at a scarily rapid pace.] Y-you! You're the one who-


badendstalker April 25 2011, 17:43:15 UTC
[Green remains calm with a bloody knife in hand. He had heard, and even saw Blue approaching the house. So he deliberately left the door to Red opened and waited for the opportunity this double of his--Blue, was it?--to separate from Pikachu. He wasn't interested in hurting Pokémon, but people on the other hand...]

Sleep tight, impostor.

[With that he swings a crowbar he held within his other hand, managing to strick Blue befor he could think to defend himself. Green laughs at how easily Blue hits the ground with a loud thud.]

Don't worry Red. He won't bother us any longer...I'll clean all of this mess up for you. I know how much you'd hate to be in such a dirty room.


exileforfreedom April 25 2011, 19:46:55 UTC
[Fulmine grabs the keys and turns in time to see the door shut. What-- It was a trap! She'll use every move she knows to try to blast down that door. If she's trapped, Blue is in danger!! She has to get out, has to get to him, has to go find him and save Red!!]


badendstalker April 25 2011, 20:06:00 UTC
[Poor little Fulmine. Don't worry Green plans to properly take care of you once he's gotten this pest out of the way. Carelessly tossing both knife and crowbar aside, Green bends down to grab a hold of Blue by his ankles before dragging him out of the room. He won't take long to get rid of.]


exileforfreedom April 25 2011, 21:20:38 UTC
[Fulmine is absolutely determined to break your house. Dammit, dammit, dammit, she has to get out! Red and Blue are in trouble and like hell if she's going to stand for that!]


badendstalker April 25 2011, 21:37:16 UTC
[Go ahead and break the door down Fulmine. Now might be your only chance to get Red out to safety. Meanwhile Green here will drag Blue to a more isolated area of the beach. He's not big enough to lift his older double up so he'll have to drag him into the water, and let him sink down.

Once that was done, Green will look satisfied. Now to cover his tracks while heading back...]


4thegoodofnone April 25 2011, 22:37:41 UTC
[Fulmine's trying to break down that door, but the damn thing refuses to break. Oh dear.

Some time later, Adrian is walking along the beach, several feet away from the waves. Bunbun, however, is out playing in the water. He's surprised, though, when she swims back in a panic. He follows her to see what she's found, clinging tight to his water rabbit when he gets close to the water. He's surprised when what she's found is a person, and one he thinks he's met. He'll drag Blue out of the water, and do his best to look after the older boy, bandaging his injury and taking him home to rest.]


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