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Comments 20

boom_queen March 26 2007, 13:34:21 UTC
Lee is my hero too! His speech on the stand was just amazing! Between him and Tigh (gah, how much did I love Tigh's reaction to the cylon-reveal!), I am a flaily puddle of fangirl goo by the end.

At which point I do my crazy Kara's-not-dead dance! Wheeeeee!

Very much looking forward to your meta later on :)


bop_radar March 26 2007, 14:28:57 UTC
I know! *twirls you* Tigh's response was awesome. And Lee is ... I'm all out of words. *glows*

Kara's not dead! Kara's not dead! *dances*

Just posted. Phew!


grapefruitzzz March 27 2007, 01:31:17 UTC
OMG, I forgot Tigh's "I think I'm an officer of the Colonial Fleet and I'm damn well going to act as if I am one" heroics. I nearly cried, bless the man. Bless all the robots! We're going to Earth!

*calm calm*


bop_radar March 27 2007, 01:36:46 UTC
Breathe! (I know, I hyperventilated too...)

And yes, Tigh's heroics were so awesome! Wheee!!!


grapefruitzzz March 27 2007, 01:28:47 UTC
BWA! That last sentence is almost exactly what Iwas going to say ("Whee! Pull-back! Bob! Earth! Yay!") After all the guilt and pain and claustrophobic misery, it was such a rush! I don't care if the whole thing's a joke and it's explained away in ten minutes next year, it was just so good to get out there! And Lee back in a viper and being teasted by Kara! Wheeee!

Lee has more courage and integrity than anyone. Let's elect him President! Can't believe Gaeta lied on the stand. He's in an odd place. As for the Radio Crew - so far they only think they're Cylons due to their deductive gifts, although Tigh only goes back with Adama about eight years and Cavil was an 'old man' model too, so hm. But the whole of the resistance? Mind you, the New Caprica invasion was the idea of a *branch* of Cylons, so maybe they were rebelling against a rabble of rebel robots.

I couldn't believe poor Lee was still upset about the 'Olympic Carrier'. That was prophetic of me to put up that cap from 'Water' of him angsting about it. :D


bop_radar March 27 2007, 01:35:47 UTC
Wheeeeeee!!!! *squees crazily with you*

After all the guilt and pain and claustrophobic misery, it was such a rush!
Exactly! The show gave us payoff after all this time!!

I don't care if the whole thing's a joke and it's explained away in ten minutes next year, it was just so good to get out there! And Lee back in a viper and being teasted by Kara! Wheeee
Yesssss!!! *twirls* Like you, I really don't care what happens next year right now, I'm just revelling in the glorious moment.

Lee has more courage and integrity than anyone. Let's elect him President!
*puts on 'Lee for President' badge* I concur!

I couldn't believe poor Lee was still upset about the 'Olympic Carrier'.
I could! I love that it was the first thing out of his mouth, poor sweetheart. It came so early and it was SO scarring and oh, my poor darling Lee! *cuddles him* There's no way you could ever be the same man after doing that, and I love that they referenced it here.


grapefruitzzz March 27 2007, 01:48:13 UTC
I was afraiod to watch for ages because of the huge burden of gloom, and had to pause just before Lee's testimony because I couldn't face the angst of him having to rat out his father. Luckily it didn't come to that. The ending was just such gigglyfun and completely unexpected!

The 'Olympic Carrier' affair was pretty huge s it set up Lee's trust of Laura and distrust of Papa. He really took in the 'piece of paper I carry around' message and carried all the names around for a hell of a long time. (I'm in a snit with Laura right now, so I'll just say she probably used the paper a week later to do sums on the back ;) ) They could have referenced an even deeper source of angst - the twenty ships left behind in the miniseries, which was also partly Lee's 'fault'.

Oh Lee, let me count the ways.


bop_radar March 27 2007, 01:58:27 UTC
I understand the FEAR. I confess I paused for breath during the episode as well. And then the eppy really delivered!

He really took in the 'piece of paper I carry around' message and carried all the names around for a hell of a long time
I love that! I love it to pieces. There are so many little echoes and references to the way that Lee (and others) remember those that were lost, and often even with the deaths that were indirect, there's a strong burden of responsiblity and guilt. Remember Kara listing the names of the fallen pilots and Lee stepping in to finish for her when she couldn't go on? I adored that scene too: another reminder of how they carry all this around.

I'm in a snit with Laura right now, so I'll just say she probably used the paper a week later to do sums on the back ;)
Hee! I'm in a snit with her too. *glares*

They could have referenced an even deeper source of angst - the twenty ships left behind in the miniseries, which was also partly Lee's 'fault'.True! And of course Lee's guilt in his personal life goes ( ... )


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