
Jul 04, 2006 21:39

talitha78 asked Why do we like vids? and I discovered that I had a lot to say. *blush ( Read more... )

vids, meta_fandom

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Comments 32

myownghost July 4 2006, 12:47:22 UTC
i'm only half-way through this, and i'm reacting with mental fireworks: yes yes yes! oh yes. i'll calm down now, really. *g*

>>for some people music IS a way of working through emotions.

some of the ideas in your post i've written about in my personal LJ, to do with how i see the world via words rather than visually, and how music works for me emotionally. i use it as mood therapy, often, and yes, it can definitely be cathartic on a level below the surface.

just the other day, i commented in another friend's journal to say that i was struck by how her beautiful photos of flowers were perfectly meshed with the poetic musings posted under them. i almost said i'd buy a book if she published one. she replied by saying, unprompted, that she was considering a book. i think it is unusual for the visual and the verbal to be that well balanced in someone. or maybe i just hadn't noticed it before.

time to finish your post. thanks for this one! i'm going to put it in my memories.


myownghost July 4 2006, 12:53:57 UTC
p.s., now that i've finished reading. it seems to me, and has for years, that cinematic imagery, especially when the films are seen on a large screen in a dark theater, is so much like dreaming. the images work on the subconscious and stay with us. videos, though on the small computer screen in a lighted room, function much the same way, i think, if we really tune into them.

i've seen SV videos that were as dramatic and involving as a movie. the first one i ever saw was based on Memoria, with heart-wrenching music by beth orton, and it broke my heart. it no doubt shaped how i feel about lex to this day. (i have yet to see the episode itself.)

fascinating. *pretending to be Spock*


bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:06:52 UTC
cinematic imagery, especially when the films are seen on a large screen in a dark theater, is so much like dreaming. the images work on the subconscious and stay with usYes, I agree. I know I use movies to fill my mind. One of the reasons I avoid horror flicks is because I often recall very vivid dreams and horror images will rest in my subconscious and be used by it in nightmares. (Which is not to say that my subconscious can't come up with extreme violence on it's own, unfortunately.) On a more positive note, when I was still undiagnosed with depression, I used to use films as a way of giving myself a break from the heavy mental swamping that depression created for me. In depress-mode I would be constantly swamped with negative words. I had highly word-based negativity and it was very hard to switch out of it. But film could do it. Not always and not completely, but at least often. Moving films were the best type because they kind of kept my emotions occupied enough, but not focussed on 'me', if that makes sense. I still value film ( ... )


myownghost July 5 2006, 00:24:17 UTC
oh yes, i know what you mean about movies helping with depression! that's what imagery from SV does for me, now that my life is so difficult -- it gives me respite from reality. my imagination can run scenes from the videos or from episodes i've seen, and it's like an alternate reality for me. yes, and it takes the emotional focus off me, just as you say of yourself.

my response to your post and to this discussion makes me think we may be wired fairly similarly, personality-wise!

i LOVE "running up that hill" by rivkat! it's definitely one of my favorites. i've watched it many, many times. "this one's gonna bruise," from memoria, is by rhiannonhero. i just checked her site and found the vid apparently not loaded right now. (rhiannonhero.) do you have high-speed access? it's almost 18 megs, but i could attempt to mail it to you, if you'd like. that might be too big a file, though. hmmmm.


carpenyx July 4 2006, 15:40:43 UTC
Very well said, I know that I'm a highly visual person and I sometimes relate more to vids than I do fan fiction, yet I absoluately love to write and aspire to be a writer but only thoughr visualizing can I really write to my higher potential.


I completely agree with this statement, I find that when something goes wrong in my life, whether it's a minor thing or major, I tend to listen to the same song or couple of songs, over and over and eventually do see how it helps in aiding me to work through said emotion.


Agreed! I really don't stop to think about them, I think there are been a few where I did but on average, this doesn't happen, actually reading your post makes me want to watch more vids and actually think about them more. :)


Very, very true for me too.

Again, this was well written and I could go on and on in response to this. ;) but I'll leave it at that for now, thank you though! It was an enjoyable read and got me thinking, always a good thing. :)


carpenyx July 4 2006, 15:41:42 UTC
really dont know what the error was, lmao. oh well. :P


bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:07:35 UTC
Is ok! I maketh the coding errors all the time. ;-)


bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:12:05 UTC
only through visualizing can I really write to my higher potential
See that's really interesting! Because I know some writers who can't visualise at all. But for me, when I try to write, I'm usually trying to get across in words what I can see fully formed in my mind's eye.

when something goes wrong in my life, whether it's a minor thing or major, I tend to listen to the same song or couple of songs, over and over and eventually do see how it helps in aiding me to work through said emotion.
Cool! Yes, I agree. I have had the same experience and suspect many people have. It is quite funny when you see someone do it (I've had neighbours play the same track for days and wanted to kill them!) but when you're 'in' that experience, you can come to see how it works for you. Although I think it depends on how emotionally intelligent you are. Some people may never be able to articulate why they need to listen to a particular track interminably. ;-)

reading your post makes me want to watch more vids and actually think about them moreAw yay! I ( ... )


If you don't mind a tangent... slinkling July 4 2006, 16:06:57 UTC
I'm not really qualified to talk about vids, having seen only two or three. I find them a little bizarre, to be honest, but then, until getting hooked on SV I found all of fandom bizarre. And a fannish friend (a RL friend who is fannish, I mean, though she's not into SV) recently gave me a stack of DVDs of vids, to try to get me hooked there as well, so if I ever get around to watching them, presumably I'll come up with more to say.

But I'm intrigued by what you have to say about music and emotion, and am wondering what you think of "Moulin Rouge." Which people tend to either love or hate (I love it), and which functions on exactly the premise you're describing, that music provides access to this realm of heightened emotion, and music paired with intensified visual imagery pretty much lifts us out of one (intellectual, verbal) reality and into another (freedom, beauty, truth, love).


Re: If you don't mind a tangent... sadface July 4 2006, 18:32:13 UTC
*jumps in with nothing intelligent to say, natch*

I love Moulin Rouge a rather stupid amount and in fact, I was so intensely into the story when I watched it (the 2nd time incidentally, I dont really count when I went to the cinema) and the whole feel of it with just yknow, the whole production that I can't even listen to the Police version of Roxanne without crying now. I almost feel like I formed a relationship with that film or something *shrugs*

Music videos in the same way tend to make a profound impact on me if, I don't know how to explain, if im in the state of mind to connect with something. My favourite fanvid, voldything's Accidentally In Love, I watched for the first time when I was so upset about Clark/Lex not being friends anymore and even though its one of the happiest videos in the world it makes me so sad because at that time I was just so sad for them.

/ bizarre and unrelated comment.


Re: If you don't mind a tangent... bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:27:26 UTC
Aw, that's lovely, Becky! I'm like you. I form profound relationships with some movies and vids. I have this total love for Grosse Pointe Blank and it's juxtoposition of 80s music and offbeat humour (and John Cusack!). And one of my all-time favourite movies is Empire Records, which also makes wonderful use of music.

Also, you and svlurker are convincing me that I should give Moulin Rouge a second viewing. I was a bit 'meh' on it at the cinema.

even though its one of the happiest videos in the world it makes me so sad because at that time I was just so sad for them
I think that's a really good point, Becky. The timing and context you see something in play a huge part in how you respond to something. Which is why I said above that I may not have been in the right frame of mind to appreciate Moulin Rouge. It just didn't quite 'click' with me. But sometimes you see the perfect film or vid at the perfect time. And it becomes so special to you ( ... )


Re: If you don't mind a tangent... bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:20:25 UTC
Yeah, I was lucky that my first experiences with vids were through recs from people I trusted. So the first vids I saw really 'spoke' to me. Not all of them do. Though once I got more into them as a genre, I find nearly any vid interesting, if only to see why I don't like it!

I love tangents. *g* 'Moulin Rouge' is an interesting example. It didn't quite hit the right 'note' or frequency with me. But I could appreciate what it was trying to do. I suspect I wasn't in the right frame of mind to appreciate it when I first saw it, but I certainly didn't hate it. I think I recall I had a few things that irked me about it at the time, but can't remember the specifics now! However, I definitely agree with you on this:
functions on exactly the premise you're describing, that music provides access to this realm of heightened emotion, and music paired with intensified visual imagery pretty much lifts us out of one (intellectual, verbal) reality and into another (freedom, beauty, truth, love)
Makes me want to read a good essay about it!


talitha78 July 4 2006, 16:28:30 UTC
Yay, you posted! So cogent and smart. I hope to have mine done this week, but I've actually been preoccupied with vidding, of all things. :) Oh, the irony.


bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:34:35 UTC
Woot! Preoccupied with vidding is GOOOOOOD. *BG*


norwich36 July 4 2006, 21:45:00 UTC
This was very interesting to read, if only to explain to me why it is I *don't* get into vids as much as some folks. I mean, when I get a chance to see them I usually enjoy them, but if given a choice between a new vid and a new story I will always go for the story.


bop_radar July 5 2006, 00:38:01 UTC
if given a choice between a new vid and a new story I will always go for the story
See, I'll usually choose the vid. And I'll be completely honest and say that one of the reasons is the time commitment involved, since I'm so time poor. I can watch a vid and post feedback way quicker than I can read most fics. And the second reason is my squeemishness at poor writing--I'm less sensitive to poor vids, so there's not so much of a 'risk' factor. I sound like a terrible snob, I'm sure!

But I'd be interested to know why you don't like vids as much...? Is it because you're very word-oriented? Or you don't have that need for connection to music and/or image for emotional catharsis?


norwich36 July 5 2006, 00:55:37 UTC
On the time issue, it rarely takes me more than 15 minutes to read a story, unless it's quite long; it usually takes me upwards of 4 hours to download a vid. So my time issues are completely reversed.

And I'd say that I'm not image oriented at all. As you know, I had one icon for almost two years, and frankly I rarely *noticed* other people's icons until I started making them myself--and I'm still more likely to notice an icon with good text than one that is purely visual. Also, since I know the source material for SV so well I almost always know where the clips are from and how they're being manipulated, which often throws me out of the vid. And there are really a limited number of Clexy shots, and they get re-used so much that it lessens the emotional impact for me.

This is not to say that I haven't seen vids that moved me, or that I found cathartic, because I have. But in general I prefer fic.


bop_radar July 5 2006, 01:09:00 UTC
Oh, I loves your icon!

Thanks for explaining. It helps me understand the flipside of my own experience.

it rarely takes me more than 15 minutes to read a story
Ah. Yes, I am a fast reader too, but only if the writing flows well. I have this hideous handicap when it comes to poorly constructed prose. I actually slow down. My 'edit' brain kicks in and I start correcting the grammar and composing author queries... it's hideous! You'd think it would be logical for a fast reader to read unsophisticated prose faster, but not with me. WOE! (seriously, I would love to change this about myself)

I'd say that I'm not image oriented at allI guessed that about you. And it fascinates me that I would have thought I was like you. I've always been a natural 'text' person. I've always been drawn to words. When we travelled to Spain when I was a toddler, I revealed that I could read by reading out brand names I recognised ('Coca-cola' was my first 'read' word apparently--what an indictment of the twentieth century!). I'm sure this was because I didn' ( ... )


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