Jamie Bamber, for little k

Apr 16, 2006 22:48

For some time now, I've been threatening kristiinthedark with conversion to Jamie-Bamber-love. Well, here's my official conversion-attempt, missy! Others are welcome to join this party--either as the converting or the converted!

Bamber picspam and factfile )

picspam, jamie bamber

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Comments 46

kristiinthedark April 16 2006, 13:43:39 UTC
Converted yet? ;-)

God, yes. Sign me up!

THANK YOU, BIG K! You are so very good to me.


bop_radar April 16 2006, 14:08:03 UTC
Hooray! *g*
And yeah I slaaaaaved over this for you! It was such painful and unpleasant work! ;-)


mskatej April 16 2006, 13:47:44 UTC
I don't know about Kristi, but *I'm* converted. Scrummy.


bop_radar April 16 2006, 14:06:24 UTC
Hooray! ;-) Cute boys need to be shared!


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bop_radar April 16 2006, 14:05:07 UTC
*facepalm* DAMN! I forgot that one! Thanks for coming to the rescue! That one slays me. I might have to add it in...


elsmoka April 16 2006, 14:06:24 UTC
If I wasn't deeply in love with BSG and Jamie and Katee already this would totally make me sign up! :)


bop_radar April 16 2006, 14:20:02 UTC
Oh yay! ;-) Thank you! They are both so wonderful.


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bop_radar April 16 2006, 14:19:22 UTC
He definitely is a smartynpants! I'd love to hear him speak French or Italian. French particularly, since I understand it. Cute AND smart?! *fans self*


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