Battlestar Galactica 2.17: The Captain's Hand

Feb 19, 2006 23:19

It is apparently my way to be intelligent about the shallow shows and shallow about the intelligent shows, so I'm just going to do lists today.

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Comments 5

asta77 February 19 2006, 18:07:40 UTC
Lee gets command (his stunned 'I have the con' line was gorgeous)

- that Lee was all downplaying being made major at the start of the ep, but was genuinely moved by his father promoting him to Commander of the Pegasus at the end

That scene where Lee realizes it’s *all* on him was a thing of beauty. And after a moment of sheer panic, he pulls it together and saves the ship (with some assistance) from Garner. And didn’t it look like they took out a base star? Good work Lee. : )

I noticed right away that Lee’s promotion to major meant nothing to him. His reaction didn’t surprise me. I don’t think he felt he had done anything to deserve it other than survive this long. But with being promoted to Commander he knew what his accomplishments were to achieve that honor. I also think it meant more because his father admitted to him his previous failure and that he was relying on Lee to make things right for him.

Sure, it's great that people actually die in BSG, but I found the Pegasus Commander a bit of a throwaway character with ( ... )


bop_radar February 19 2006, 22:37:00 UTC
That scene where Lee realizes it's *all* on him was a thing of beauty.
Oh yes it was! LOVE I think it will go down as one of my favourite BSG moments.

I like your comment about it meaning more to Lee because his father admitted his previous failure. I hadn't thought of that part of it, but it makes total sense. I definitely saw that it meant a lot that his father was relying on him. He looked so awe-struck by that.

It's likely it has to do with confronting the past (the dead Caprica girlfriend, his failures) but that hasn't been made clear at allNo, it hasn't. Which is a pity, because they could have scripted 'Black Market' differently to work towards a catharsis for Lee on those matters, but it felt like they were trying to do too much in that ep ( ... )


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bop_radar February 19 2006, 23:00:49 UTC
I guess if I really loved Billy I would *hate* that we didn't get a scene with Dee mentioning him... but as I don't really care about Billy, well... meh. I'd rather this than have Dualla all 'I can't date you now because I have guilt'. At least she acts on her heart. Billy wouldn't really want her moping around, surely? It's pretty nasty that he found out about them right before his death, but you can't turn back time and I'm glad BSG didn't devote an episode to resolving that angst, as many a show would have done... because that would have been Very Boring ( ... )


bloodygoodgirl February 20 2006, 00:48:21 UTC
-Lee gets command(his stunned 'I have the con' line was gorgeous. Yes! That was so completely awesome. Where everyone's looking at him for orders and he's in this mild shock. Loved it.

I too was a little annoyed at Lee's sudden attitude adjustment but that's the way I like him so I just shrugged it off.

Like I told my friend, keep blowin up stuff and Lee shirtless and I'll be a happy girl.


bop_radar February 20 2006, 02:57:48 UTC
Yeah, I love how transparent Lee is emotionally. He's got that wide-eyed little boy look even when he's an awesome senior commander. Can't get cuter than that! Power and charm combined. ;-)

Yeah, I can shrug off the Lee attitude adjustment, though I dislike the show being less than perfect for a change. Still, you are right that we really CAN'T be unhappy about shirtless Lee, explosions and so on!


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