Battlestar Galactica 2.16: Sacrifice

Feb 12, 2006 21:40

Mixed emotions
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Comments 4

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bop_radar February 13 2006, 02:27:01 UTC
Grr... LJ just ate my long response! *starts again*

Thank you for your comments. They have given me a different perspective, which I felt I needed after viewing.

I think it's BECAUSE she shot him that she doesn't feel she has a place at his bedside
I'm not sure I can agree here, because she did go to visit him but turned away because Dee was there. I think the fact that she fessed up to Adama showed she was willing to confront the results of her actions and I think she would have gone to Lee if someone else wasn't there. I think she thinks she has less right to be there than Dee, but not no right at all.

I was irked that Roslin seemingly had absolutely no interest at all in the fact that LEE was a hostageOh me TOO! The way the writers have seemingly lost all interest in the Lee-Roslin relationship annoys me, as I found it one of the more interesting relationships on the show. I don't know why they've lost interest in it. Grr ( ... )


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bop_radar February 14 2006, 11:43:32 UTC
I like the idea that Kara was putting Lee's needs first in turning away from Lee's bedside. I think that's a plausible reading, and one I hadn't considered. To be honest, I was so busy having heartache for her over the shooting, that I was more in the reading whereby she simply doesn't think she's worthy in comparison to Dee--so more of a self-centred/self-pitying turning away. I guess we can't know for sure *why* she walks away, but you're right that the result is that she doesn't put her own need for absolution over Lee's needs. I just hope she doesn't beat herself up too badly!

I found your suggestion of a split between the 'Starbuck' persona or identity and Kara Thrace interesting. Certainly in this ep Kara showed maturity beyond the simple cocky bravado of Starbuck in her confession to Adama. That was really moving.

I think it's important that she realises that Starbuck doesn't always save the day ... as long as she draws the RIGHT lesson from it, which is not that she always hurts the ones she loves, but that sometimes she's ( ... )


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