Jun 13, 2012 14:02

Very quick quick post to say big THANK YOU to all who sent love and energy and support to me last week. I am doing well--I took my last medication on Saturday, so this is my fourth day off it entirely. I have a great deal of support (I was at an incredible meditation course on the weekend and I had healing yesterday) but this time last week I ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

darlulu June 13 2012, 04:34:20 UTC
YAY! That is so good to hear!

And - Anyone who has tried to come off this poison will understand that this is incredibly MILD symptoms ... almost no withdrawal at all! Amazing!

You can say that again. So, so amazing, girlie. :)


kuwdora June 13 2012, 05:00:12 UTC

mlsky June 13 2012, 05:23:53 UTC
Just a quick note to say: CONGRATS!!! Not an easy journey and I'm awed and a not just a little full of admiration. Go you!!


clari_clyde June 13 2012, 07:16:44 UTC
{hugs} Congrats bb!!!


amnisias June 13 2012, 08:05:40 UTC
I don't really have an appropriate icon for the event. I had no doubt you'd get here, because I know you're tenacious. Great you're feeling better.


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