Please to send thoughts!

Jun 06, 2012 10:34

OK, so I haven't been whining about this at all online, but I'm finally, finally getting to the end of my medication withdrawal and I could really use some thoughts/hugs/support (if anyone remembers me, LOL ( Read more... )


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Comments 40

anoel June 6 2012, 00:50:56 UTC
*hugs* I really hope you feel better. I had some ear pain a month ago and it was horrible, I felt like I wanted to die. But you can make it through! You're an amazing, wonderful, generous, kind, creatively amazing person who is way better than any pain.

Any chance you're coming to VVC this year? I'd love to see you! In any case, if you want some kind of short Game of Thrones vid (could be just S1 if you want), let me know and I can try to whip it up for you :)


bop_radar June 6 2012, 01:09:56 UTC

Ear pain is horrible--I had some and tinnitus for a month or so in this process, but thankfully the pain there never got too dreadful. Sorry you had to suffer it. ;(

Sadly, I won't be making it to VVC this year. Another year, I hope!

OMG, an Arya something!?! 20 seconds? That would be amaaaaaaaazing!


anoel June 6 2012, 03:26:22 UTC
*hugs back* Yeah it took the drugs awhile to start working sometimes. It does make you appreciate your health. Wish you were coming to VVC but hopefully another time!

And yes, I can do that :) Favorite!!


bop_radar June 7 2012, 01:44:27 UTC
Eee!!! OMG, that would be amaaaaazing. :)

Yeah, another time--it's funny what twists and turns life takes, and I have to just roll with them and know it will work out for getting there another occasion. This year I've spent quite a lot on getting healing to get off these meds, and ultimately it's better, but of course it would have been fab to make it to VVC again!


(The comment has been removed)

bop_radar June 6 2012, 02:11:07 UTC
Thank you!!! :D :D


talitha78 June 6 2012, 01:23:46 UTC
Whoa, look at you, kicking that drug's ass. That is some hardcore willpower you've got going there. I admire you so much and I'm cheering you on. Go go go!!!


bop_radar June 6 2012, 02:18:01 UTC
Lexxxxxxx!! I have Smallville nostalgia lately. :D
Thank you so much for the thoughts!! Was thinking of you today--saw a little dog that looked (and barked) like Bubba! :D


serrico June 6 2012, 01:34:25 UTC
Good thoughts --> you. You *can* do it; you *are* doing it. Just a little longer, and then you can cave to all the chocolate cravings in the world. *g*



bop_radar June 6 2012, 02:19:22 UTC
Damn it, I was totally thinking of caving on the chocolate *today*. :p Nausea or not... (I'm not very sensible this way--not used to nausea so I kind of don't know what to do with it!)

Thank you!!!


kuwdora June 6 2012, 01:38:07 UTC
bop_radar June 6 2012, 02:54:25 UTC
:D :D Thank you!


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