The Vampire Diaries 2.03

Sep 25, 2010 19:49

So I should probably just come out of the closet and admit that The Vampire Diaries is kinda my show now. :) Yeah, yeah, Smallville just premiered for its final season ... but I am WAY more excited about TVD. Truthfully, I'm going to catch up with SV over the next couple of weeks and get onboard for S10 because it DOES have Erica, Erica, Erica, but ( Read more... )

vampire diaries

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Comments 26

bofoddity September 25 2010, 12:51:54 UTC
The Vampire Diaries is totally my show too! When I first heard about it I thought it was basically Roswell with vampires, and I started watching it I thought it was basically Roswell with vampires, only without Roswell's heart. (I know, it was a crappy show, but I really loved it!) Then WHAM it started surprising me every week, exceeding my expectations time after time so now I'm totally in love with it too. I hated Damon first, but I've really grown to both like and appreciate him as a character, I've been liking Stefan much better than I expected him to and I just adore the girls on this show. I love that Elena is so smart and sensible, I love that Bonnie is badass and both willing and capable to be hard when necessary, I love Caroline and how she's both shamelessly shallow and has so much hidden depths. I love Alaric and his solid competent nice guyness. I love the evil fabulousness that is Katherine and what Nina Dobrev does with her. Just about the only thing I didn't like about this show was Jeremy, and even he is improving this ( ... )


bop_radar September 25 2010, 23:39:43 UTC
Yes! Surprising you every week! :) Yup, I hated Damon too and hating him was fun. Loving him is fun also! :)

Yeah, the girls are what really makes the show for me and the breadth in the cast means my sympathies move around a lot--which is good because it means the show sustains my interest beyond one character's plotline.

Haha, I know everyone hates Jeremy but I always kinda liked him. I mean he mopes too much and I did think he'd be more fun as a vamp, but I have always thought there was potential there and I love his weird sick relationship with Damon now. :D :D :D

I'm thrilled to share some show joy! It's been forever since I actually had that online, having been :/ about most shows for the past two years, so babble away any time!


amnisias September 26 2010, 10:53:13 UTC
High five, Whedon-girl!


cathexys September 25 2010, 15:02:35 UTC
I LOVE TVD!!! So glad someone else on my flist is on the rollercoaster that is that show!

I did dislike them for killing Anna, but everything else has been marvelous!

His honesty may not have worked on her, but it definitely worked on me. :) Yes~!!! :)


bop_radar September 25 2010, 23:42:17 UTC
Yay!! I'm glad someone else is loving it! And yes, boo to the Anna killing--I remain partially in denial--but the show is otherwise continually surprisingly enjoyable.


norwich36 September 25 2010, 16:34:05 UTC
I am completely addicted myself, though I am so busy these days I rarely write commentary.


bop_radar September 25 2010, 23:43:30 UTC
It is so addictive! Even when I was THE MOST RESISTANT viewer ever! Now I am bouncing to that download so fast every week and every week it puts me in a happy, happy place.


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bop_radar September 25 2010, 23:44:52 UTC
Ack, too long betaing for freece! So hard for me to imagine it spelled 'Damon'! I'll work on that.

Yeah, I have deep love of Alaric/Damon. And I have an epicly good song for Damon that I'm dying to vid which will totally have a line about Alaric in it. :D :D


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bop_radar September 25 2010, 23:52:26 UTC
Yeah, I love unlikely friendships! I always fall for them.

I haven't been this excited about vidding anyone since Oliver. I am awaiting the season 1 DVDs arriving so I can make it super-shiny but OMG THE VID IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN! It's all mock-gothic-fairytale and OTT-emo viciousness.


alexandral September 25 2010, 22:29:44 UTC
I am so loving this show, I am trying to pretend that I am only watching it because my daughter is watching it, but who am I kidding?


bop_radar September 25 2010, 23:45:15 UTC
Hahaha, don't kid yourself!


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