
Oct 24, 2009 19:08

So my one week holiday from Melbourne turned into a couple of weeks away from Livejournal. When I got back, all my online time went into writing commentaries for vid_commentary. Speaking of which, it's quite the commentary explosion there at the moment. And now that I'm finished mine I get to READ/WATCH OTHER PEOPLE's. \o/ \o/ *throws streamers around* I CAN'T ( Read more... )

personal, vidding_chats, vidding

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Comments 6

daybreak777 October 24 2009, 12:57:07 UTC
Less excitingly, I made my first audio commentary: for Middleman.
Shush! It was exciting! I love your Middleman commentary! You could have gone on and on and I would have happily listened. :-)

And vid chats are back! Yay! It's like a new season of vid chatting. A season premiere, which is cool because it's one of my favorite LJ shows. :-)


bop_radar October 24 2009, 23:10:26 UTC
Haha, you're so funny! I did go on and on... I cut out heaps.

Hee hee, well hopefully Season 2 of Vid Chats will be just as good or better than season 1!


callmeonetrack October 24 2009, 13:52:37 UTC
Hi! Welcome back! **waves**

What'd ya miss? Well there was a lot of stuff you'll be glad that you DID miss (wank over reactions to The Plan, which leaked early.) but there has also been AN EXPLOSION OF PILOTS FIC! Some porn battle related, some not. (I forget if you're reading these or not again. But there are recs (and two new fics) at my LJ.)


bop_radar October 24 2009, 23:08:50 UTC
Yes, I am SO GLAD I missed the Plan wank. I do not need to know! *makes talk to the hand motion at wank*

I'm in a state or preparation for reading pilots fic... I haven't quite managed it yet but it feels like it could be in my near future. ;) So thanks for the heads up!


kiki_miserychic October 24 2009, 23:25:18 UTC
Welcome back! Hope it was fun in Melbourne.

There was a commentary explosion and I have them all queued up for when my brain and schedule is ready to soak up knowledge.

YAY vidding chats! I didn't realize how much I missed those until you mentioned the lack of them. I loved reading and interacting with people on them. There were a lot of people I've never seen online before, which was cool because I saw people not on my flist.


bop_radar October 25 2009, 07:50:44 UTC
Hee, so true that you have to wait for appropriate brain-soaking time for commentaries! I am dipping into them slowly, like one a day so I don't od!

I am so glad you missed the vidding chats too! I miss them also, but I think vidding fandom wanted a cold compress on its head for a couple of months there. ;) There was no coaxing anyone... everyone was all 'oh, I might host one ... in a few months?' *g* Hopefully people will be up for them again soon though. I'm very excited about some of them being in other people's journals. Since then there's even more chance I'll meet people not on my f'list--which was totally a great thing about them for me as well.

Lovely to hear from you!


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