Vidding meme

Jul 26, 2009 17:58

Stolen from the f'list. Since I'm not actually vidding, I may as well talk about it!

cut for answers )


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Comments 10

daybreak777 July 26 2009, 10:55:30 UTC
Vidding meme! *grabby hands*

Favourite video: It's so hard to pick, but probably Middleman or Southside.
I knew you'd say that! All of these vids are good. But these are more Bop-esque. They are layered and you like layers. And your love for the show and character shine right through them. :-)

Objectively, I think DLZ is the most accomplished but it has a very small potential audience.
Is it not your favorite because a lot of people won't see it?

Samson and I Kissed a Girl! I love those vids. One has such emotion and the other one feels like fun. NAKED CLARK FTW!

Mostly though, I think people need to chill out about their 'peeves' and just learn to not watch if those things really annoy them. I try to keep an open mind.
Good advice. The power of the click. No one is forced to watch anything.

I like this meme. I have too few vids to do it right now and I'm in the middle of vidding angst. But I like hearing your thoughts about your vids. I hope you make more that you enjoy and feel satisifed with.


bop_radar July 26 2009, 11:44:20 UTC
Is it not your favorite because a lot of people won't see it?
No, no, I don't care if people won't see it. It is very close to my heart, it's just pipped to the post by the passion I poured into the BSG vids at a time when I really loved that show. I do think DLZ is my 'best' vid, but as a personal fave, it's just hard to go past Lee, you know? It's LEE! ;) I nearly mentioned 'Samson' too though--it's dear to me as well.


silverscreengal July 26 2009, 14:27:19 UTC

You are not going to stop vidding are you???? *tears in eyes*

I'm shamefully one of those people that loved "I Will Be Your Girlfriend". It set such a fun, playful tone with the Clois and I watch it on my ipod all the time!! (esp. if I want to "escape" and am down in the dumps)

I feel the same exact way about "I Kissed a Girl" so we do agree on the squee of that one!!!

Please continue the vidding. I know you have lost a lot of the SV love, but anything you do is top notch!



bop_radar July 27 2009, 03:07:20 UTC
No, no! I'm just in a brief vidding lull--sort of between ideas.

I'm so glad 'I will be your girlfriend' cheers you up! I was really in to it when I first made it... I guess this just means I'll have to vid them again some time, Clois being so comforting. They're hard to find songs for though!


brokenmnemonic July 26 2009, 17:35:59 UTC
Words can't describe my repulsion, it's a total 'fail' in my eyes
Whyfor? Is this because of the subject matter, or something else? I remember you talking at the time about how your perceptions of the relationship between Head!Six and Gaius had changed after the amount of work you'd done with them for this vid.

Vids that feel like a cold, technical exercise on the part of the vidder.
I'd agree with this, I think; I quite like vids that don't have a point other than to be shiny - action vids are good for that - but there has to be something more in the vid, whether it's simply a sense of fun at being able to play around technically, or something else.


bop_radar July 27 2009, 03:09:31 UTC
Is this because of the subject matter, or something else?
It's because of ME! I just felt so rushed (it's the only vid I've made to a deadline, and WOW was that scarring!), and never got to a place where I was satisfied that it was the best it could be. I found it chronically uncomfortable to release something I felt I could work on for another 5 months.

a sense of fun at being able to play around technically
Yeah, I love a lot of tech-heavy vids, but prefer if they've got life and joie de vivre to them.


talitha78 July 26 2009, 18:02:44 UTC
I absolutely LOATHE Clint Eastwood. Words can't describe my repulsion, it's a total 'fail' in my eyes

Wow, I would never have guessed that. It's such a fun vid. Unless it wasn't meant to be fun?

just look at the content. CLARK. CLARK NAKED. CLARK NAKED WITH GIRLS. CLARK WITH SLASHY SUBTEXT. CLARK NAKED. LOTS OF CLARK. Dude! There's just no wrong there.

Right on! I was just rewatching my Clark vid this morning, and thinking, "this could be the biggest piece of crap on the planet (I don't think it is, by the way), and I would still be enraptured because CLARK'S FACE."


bop_radar July 27 2009, 03:11:54 UTC
I would never have guessed that.
Good! I'm so glad I hid it. It would have been hideously ungraceful to the many people that really liked it. I do try to respect the viewer's space that way. But yeah, deep down it was never as good as I wented it to be. I wanted it to be hysterically funny and I just don't think I got it there.

"this could be the biggest piece of crap on the planet (I don't think it is, by the way), and I would still be enraptured because CLARK'S FACE."
I'm sure it's not! But I think Smallville arguably is, but this is why it DOES NOT MATTER! :p Aww, that's very mean to Smallville... *feels instantly remorseful and cuddles show*


bofoddity July 26 2009, 20:29:11 UTC
Aww, I liked Like A Friend! Perhaps it wasn't the most inspired vid ever, but it was really charming, and I didn't mind the song either. In fact your song/canon-choices always seem to be really spot-on; Paranoid Android is for example so perfect for Lex that it's eerie.


bop_radar July 27 2009, 03:13:13 UTC
Thank you! I do think it's (the one) thing I do well. I've been told I rely too heavily on the music to do the work for me, which is probably true. Until then I'd always thought song choice was a strength of mine, now I see it's also a weakness. I need to train harder.


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