Star Trek

May 13, 2009 18:07

I have resolved to post more often, so you may find that I post about a whole lot of random things you did not know I like for a while. :) Skip on if it's not of interest!

I watched the new Star Trek movie yesterday. I'm so grateful for not knowing anything about it going in, so... ( cut for spoilers )


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Comments 12

asta77 May 13 2009, 13:06:09 UTC
My Review.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I think I wasn't upset by the lack of female roles considering the men only succeeded through luck rather than any intellectual ability. And if Abrams hadn't depicted Kirk as an ass who only advanced ridiculously fast because of the work of everyone around him, I would have had more issues.


bop_radar May 13 2009, 23:10:37 UTC
Ha! Yeah, Kirk was true to form. I just never liked him, which is what I had to grapple with.


norwich36 May 13 2009, 13:51:48 UTC
I wasn't thrilled by the gender issues (I had the same quibble about Jim's mom giving birth in my review , though I disagree with you about Uhura--I thought she was completely awesome--but I was also quite persuaded by this review discussing the gender issues .

On the other hand, I'm an old-school TOS fan, so I didn't have to be persuaded to love the characters. I was actually a lot more bothered by the destruction of Vulcan (and Amanda--and I loved that they cast Winona Ryder as Amanda, even though it made me feel very old), and the heavy borrowings from Star Wars (WTF, JJ?)--though all in all I loved it for a lot of the same reasons LaT details here .

And if you're looking for a great roundup of fandom responses, check this link:


bop_radar May 13 2009, 23:15:36 UTC
I liked the actress that played Uhura, but I felt too distanced from the whole thing emotionally to really like any of the characters. I really do think it was very true to the original: and that's exactly what held me back because I'm not emotionally invested in those characters. It was dramatically compelling though. Thanks for the links!


dianora2 May 13 2009, 14:15:09 UTC
I don't know, I think that going to a Star Trek TOS reimagining to see strong women is like going to a vegetarian buffet and looking for steak. ;) (One reason I've never been fan, tbh.) I was glad they at least made Uhura smart and interesting and someone who could go toe to toe with an emotionally difficult lover. She had a quiet strength that some of the men would do well to emulate. I liked her.

Also, just because I've seen this a few times and it's starting to drive me nuts, JJ Abrams did not write the script. Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman did. :)


bop_radar May 13 2009, 23:17:52 UTC
Hahaha, this is true. I'm just sick to death of blockbusters with retro-poor gender dynamics. But yeah, it wasn't like I'd got my hopes up with this one, it was just more of a 'oh yes, THIS that I hate!' thing. I do agree Uhura had a quiet strength, but the overriding cliche bugged me.

JJ Abrams did not write the script. Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman did. :)
I stand corrected.


thrace_adama May 14 2009, 23:06:16 UTC
I quite liked Star Trek and might even see it again soon, which surprises me, as I really never had any interest in the show(s). The aliens are still not my thing (their lack was a big part of why I originally agreed to watch the BSG mini the first time *sigh*), and like you, I didn't really feel any deep connection with any of the characters, but I found it highly entertaining anyway.

I was also disappointed that we got nothing of him actually learning at Starfleet's coursework.

Same here. I usually really enjoy that hero-learning-the-ropes part of movies. And yeah, I agree that it would have helped to see it for a (possibly) more grounded look at Kirk. Still, I have to say that I think Chris Pine is really hot and definitely liked the bar fight. I'm shallow like that, yes. :)

Oh, good, we're still using women as the emotional barometer of men. Preferably women in mini-skirts.

Yeah, that was too bad. I liked Uhura, but she didn't get to do anything except shut down Kirk and support Spock.


bop_radar May 15 2009, 12:23:33 UTC
Yes, it was highly entertaining!

I too enjoy the hero-learning-the-ropes thing, but oh well. I guess that's just not a very 'Kirk' kind of plot.


frolicndetour May 17 2009, 18:53:29 UTC
I just saw it this weekend, and yeah, Uhura was the one let-down for me. I was spoiled for her being paired with Spock and I wanted so much to like that, and her, but really she was the least dynamic character of them all. Sad. :/


bop_radar May 17 2009, 21:23:39 UTC
Yeah, that was a let down. Pity, because this movie was therefore almost-great in my eyes.


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