Vid: I kissed a girl
Artist: Katy Perry
Source: Smallville, up to 8.04
Warnings: bad dancing and PG-rated smut
Description: Clark experiments with heterosexuality
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BlipCredits: Concept by
svmadelyn who clued me on to the fact that this previously irritating song was actually all about Clark
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Comments 192
I was cracking up during the whole vid! You are so right, this song works so well for Clark!
Hilarious. Hot. Loved it!
I really love all the humorous "OMG boobies" shots of Clark in the beginning parts of this--plus all the Clexy stuff everytime the boyfriend gets mentioned in the song. I also loved how appropriate this song was for Clark, because by making him the protagonist of the song you're feminizing him--and yet that's exactly what the show has always done in all his sex scenes (in the sense that he is never the actor but the reactor, the one acted upon, the one who gets his shirt torn off, etc.), so it works perfectly.
And finally, I just love that it ends with Clark looking completely gobsmacked and overcome by the first Clois kiss, because YES!!! PERFECTION!!! The totally perfect blend of hotness and humor.
*Really MUST get another Clois icon*
give the hetero thing a good try at least - just in case he might be able to double his chances at getting a little sumthin' sumthin!
Hee hee hee, yes exactly! He's like, oh well, this feels weird but I'll give it a try... and Lex can't hold it against me! Can he?!!
how can you beat the combination of humor and Clark macking on girls?
You really can't! I was DELIGHTED to be able to make this, and use all this gorgeous (and hilarious) footage. The vid just made itself thanks to Welling's ability to convey unwilling arousal so beautifully.
feminizing him--and yet that's exactly what the show has always done in all his sex scenes
Absolutely! I kind of feel this is Part 2 of supacat's Theory of Clark's Sexuality. ;) It's particularly obvious when you see how many times he gets shoved against walls by girls or has his shirt ripped off and how much he really really likes this. ;)
I think the icon is perfect! :D
(...hey, SV's really done some spicy sex scenes over the years, helped along by that Welling fella. Huh. *stares* ;)
HEE. Excellent. Excellent! :D
I've been wanting to make an 'SV is thinly disguised porn' vid for ages--this is almost that vid! (But in the ultimate SV porn vid there would also be cars, lots more phallic imagery and probably a fair bit more violence of a hot nature!)
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