Battlestar Galactica 4.09 The Hub

Jun 09, 2008 12:52

I've got the can't-be-bothereds about posting on BSG this week, in a major way. I watched the episode a day or so ago and have been procrastinating about posting. But the completionist in me is compelling me to post something. So here goes: ( nothing of consequence to say )


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Comments 40

dionusia June 9 2008, 04:23:59 UTC
I'll take that bet. I felt it was only natural that this ep was all about the people on the Basestar, because the last one was all about the fleet after it had jumped away. I'm sure the finale will involve all of them.

I'll bet Lee is a big part of it too.


bop_radar June 9 2008, 05:07:22 UTC
I'm sure the finale will involve all of them.
I'm sure it will, but you've seen the preview and I haven't so there's no way I'm taking bets with you. My question was rhetorical.


dionusia June 9 2008, 06:26:20 UTC
Yeah, but I made the same bet weeks and weeks ago. :)

Anyway I seem to have watched something shorter that was different from what other people saw as the promo...hmm.


bop_radar June 10 2008, 01:04:23 UTC
At this point in time, I am trying to put my optimist's hat on and hope that season 4.5 will redeem the show in my eyes (I realise it doesn't need redeeming in yours). 4.0 is a write-off, for me, but I guess if it all turns out to be preparation for a really awesome 4.5 season, that will mean it's served a purpose in retrospect. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can face getting my hopes up all over again: falling out of love with the show has been incredibly painful and has left a deep aching hole inside me.


antismiles June 9 2008, 04:28:33 UTC
Hmm. For the most part, I agree with you, especially about the Baltar-Roslin scene. Throughout, I was a little confused and also a bit 'wtf?' and I still don't quite understand what happened. So I generally agree with what you said. I did think that that scene featured some wonderful acting by Mary and James, though.

Also, I loved Baltar talking to the Centurion. I don't know why, but I was laughing during the entire scene. And I never realized how much I missed Three. Now that I think about it, she's probably my favorite Cylon of all. :)

And yes, the dream!Kara was vastly out of character, but I was just flailing and going, 'OMG! Lee and Kara are touching and comforting each other! Yay!' I kind of let my starved shipper heart take over. ;) But I have to mention, why is Kara showing more of a reaction to Roslin's death than Lee? Because um, wasn't Lee the one who interacted with her? I think the only times Kara has spoken with Roslin had to do with the Arrow and the SAR to Caprica. And of course when she pulled a gun on her. So why ( ... )


bop_radar June 9 2008, 04:52:20 UTC
I did think that that scene featured some wonderful acting by Mary and James, though.
Oh definitely. They're both brilliant and sell me on a lot that would otherwise be unstomach-able.

I loved Baltar talking to the Centurion
Me too! :) Mainly because he's the first person to really pay attention to the fact that they have free will now.

was just flailing and going, 'OMG! Lee and Kara are touching and comforting each other! Yay!' I kind of let my starved shipper heart take over.
Heh. I find her too out of character to think of it as real, but I did find it amusing that Laura thinks of them as a couple! Actually it just made me feel really bitter about the fact that now my ship only exists in Laura's head.

And of course when she pulled a gun on her. So why is she reacting more strongly (from what I remember)? Have the writers really gotten that appallingly forgetful?I am trying really really hard to fanwank that as the fact that Kara helped Laura to the battlestar and she's been preoccupied with Kara quite a bit this season with ( ... )


antismiles June 9 2008, 05:11:56 UTC
now my ship only exists in Laura's head
And isn't that just pathetic? To think that this is what such a fascinating relationship has been reduced to? I'm feeling very bitter about it as well.

they're losing a grip on Kara
I'm afraid that this is true. Kara's characterization has been... weird to me this season. Don't even get me started on the whole Leoben thing. Thank Gods he hasn't interacted with Kara these past episodes. I would've hurled if he had.

the only character I could unreservedly love
That's exactly how I felt. Helo racked up some major points with me this episode. My love for him is stronger than ever.

I'll believe it when I see it.
I really should approach eps this way. Whenever I indulge in that pesky optimism it only ever ends in disappointment. Still, I'm going to hold out on my hope. It helps me get through the breaks (and the ep itself).


bop_radar June 9 2008, 05:18:40 UTC
To think that this is what such a fascinating relationship has been reduced to? I'm feeling very bitter about it as well.
Yeah... I think I had another minor moment of epiphany in this episode about the writers genuinely feeling there is no more storytelling to be done with Lee and Kara. The focus on Adama and Roslin makes that more obvious than ever. They see them as where the UST and unresolved emotional issues are. Kara and Lee are 'closed' in the writers' minds.

Kara's characterization has been... weird to me this season. Don't even get me started on the whole Leoben thing.
Oh, I know. That's been one blessing. I'm so sad because I found Kara so strong in the first few episodes of the season. And I tried to run with the idea that it was because Kara was just desperate to find Earth, physically compelled even, that was why she tolerated Leoben and even expressed happiness at the basestar being her 'comet'. But now that she's back on Galactica and apparently no longer experiencing headaches at all even though they're no closer to ( ... )


indigo419 June 9 2008, 05:02:53 UTC
You too, huh? Must be a Lee-fan thing. :0)

So true about Kara's OOC-ness. And I did think Gaius and Laura competing for the Hybrid's favors was a hilarious scene.


bop_radar June 9 2008, 05:05:47 UTC
Me too. And must be. *hugs* I miss my show.

I did think Gaius and Laura competing for the Hybrid's favors was a hilarious scene.
Yeah, that was comedy gold. :)


brokenmnemonic June 9 2008, 07:25:39 UTC
I've still not seen the episode yet, but I have seen the vision scene, thanks to some of the shippers on skiffy. I was more than a little surprised by it; after all, since episode 2 we've had nothing more between Lee and Kara than a couple of blink and you'll miss them looks.

Then my natural cynicism caught up with me. Why was Kara turning to and hugging Lee? Not because she's Kara... but because she's the girl in the scene, therefore she's the one who has to be the most upset and in need of comfort.

Can I have Season 1 back please? Gaius didn't get to have sex nearly as often, my pilots used to talk to each other and there were some messages given through subtext and intimation, rather than anvils and dream gurus.


bop_radar June 9 2008, 07:30:59 UTC
Well I think the vision scene was the same as the Adama farewell scene: it didn't actually have anything to do with Kara/Lee. The Adama farewell was, understandably, all about Adama, so I see no point in shippers trying to read anything else into the glance between the pilots. And this scene occurred in Laura's subconscious and she clearly has a warped understanding of who these characters are!

because she's the girl in the scene, therefore she's the one who has to be the most upset and in need of comfort.That doesn't work for me in this instance because Laura really doesn't see Kara as 'some random girl' (even if the writers do). So I have to interpret it as Laura's ego running rampant ... it sits oddly with me ( ... )


asta77 June 9 2008, 16:48:25 UTC
Then my natural cynicism caught up with me. Why was Kara turning to and hugging Lee? Not because she's Kara... but because she's the girl in the scene, therefore she's the one who has to be the most upset and in need of comfort.

I'll cut you some slack since you haven't seen the episode ;), but , as I said to Bop, I thought Kara was there to support and comfort Lee and Adama. To me, it was Lee that needed a hug and Kara was offering. And I think Kara would be sorry, on some level, to See Laura die. Their relationship has been rocky, but they've had a lengthy relationship. I have some gender issues with the series, but nothing about those death bed scenes made me say 'Oh, Kara's the girl, so of course she needs a hug!'


alexandral June 9 2008, 08:45:24 UTC
I loved Laura calling him on 'you're not married to the whole production line' but you could see him thinking 'yeah... but I kind of am'. Sigh. Oh, Helo! I wasn't surprised to see him feeling weird about all the dying Eights, either

This whole scene was awesome and was probably one of the best moments that shown the nature of cylons, the fact that Eights ARE the same person, whoever weird it might feel!

As for Gaius and Laura... well that's where the episode kind of ran away from me.

The only thing I likesd about this and something that was quite a revelation to me - that Gaius actually felt GUILT. It never crossed my mind that he felt guilt and I guess I like him more now..

One of the problems with that message, for me, was the way that it paralleled Gaius's own deathbed ramblings about all his guilt 'flying away' because he is loved by God. That seriously irritated me enough that I wanted him to die for a while there.Me too. :D I guess I hate this "God forgave me so I don't need to fulfill my duty to people and deserve my ( ... )


bop_radar June 9 2008, 11:36:43 UTC
probably one of the best moments that shown the nature of cylons, the fact that Eights ARE the same person, whoever weird it might feel!
*nods* It's been good to see more of that--feels like a continuation of the journey Helo and Sharon began back on Caprica.

The only thing I likesd about this and something that was quite a revelation to me - that Gaius actually felt GUILT
Heh. Yeah... I sort of liked it. But part of me didn't really buy that he had. It felt like they were telling us rather than showing us. But on the other hand I've had Gaius fans tell me that he does feel guilt, that this is obvious to them, so I guess it was there if we chose to see it. It certainly makes him a more pathetic figure, one that it's easier to feel pity for rather than just repulsion.

It is SO wrong! I believe in forgiveness but , man - God's forgiveness doesn't absolve anyone from their duty to people!Absolutely! It was too much of a whitewash for me. Yes, love is important (this episode totally made me hum 'Love is all we need' by the Beatles!) and ( ... )


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