2007 vidding meme

Jan 03, 2008 20:06

First off, thank you to everyone who sent me Christmas cards, and to snarkist for her OMG!AWESOME mix CD, which I am pouring over right now. (*hugs* You rock!) The mail's been slow here so I keep getting cards every day. *bounces* At this rate, Christmas will last til Easter... :)

I also got b'day prezzies in the form of fic! daybreak777 posted the first part of a ( Read more... )

personal, vids, fic_recs, vid_recs

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Comments 13

brokenmnemonic January 3 2008, 13:09:16 UTC
Oh, I am so going to have to steal this and do a version on my LJ.

And you rec'd me! Wheeee :D :D :D *hugs* Thank you :)

I think you've had a good year, vid-wise. I know you talk about parts of the year being eaten, and I know I've only watched four of these... but it's noticeable how each vid you make leaps ahead of the others. You talk about having a method and sticking to it, but you actually do vary your method... even if you don't realise it. I think you've definitely got a comfort zone, but what's seriously impressive is that you've stuck with difficult vids and beaten them into submission... and produced awesome work as a result.


bop_radar January 3 2008, 21:48:41 UTC
I think you've definitely got a comfort zone
Will you poke me out of it? Someone needs to!

you've stuck with difficult vids and beaten them into submission
I feel like I did that with Middleman. I just need to get my teeth into something new to take things up a notch, I feel.


brokenmnemonic January 4 2008, 10:34:59 UTC
Will you poke me out of it? Someone needs to!
*starts poking* A comfort zone is a good thing, because it provides the stability to build on... but for all your protestations about not being that creative, you need a challenge. To see, to strive and perhaps to find...

I think what you need to do is make sure that no matter what vid you work on, you sit down with a clear "I want to learn this", even if it's as (relatively) simple as a single new effect or something... A kicker that makes you poke an area you've not worked on before, with that comfort zone of the rest of what you do being familiar enough that you can do it well without stressing.

I feel like I did that with Middleman. I just need to get my teeth into something new to take things up a notch, I feel.Ditto. I do get the faint feeling that you're a little worried about biting off more than you can chew, but at the same time you don't want to stick with the comfortably familiar. You know what it's like... sometimes you really do need to beard Kara Thrace in her den and make ( ... )


bop_radar January 4 2008, 12:41:38 UTC
no matter what vid you work on, you sit down with a clear "I want to learn this", even if it's as (relatively) simple as a single new effect or something...
That's a good suggestion and raises the interesting point that I don't even know what it is I don't know. i.e. I can't always tell when people have used effects, or why they have, and I don't know what they're called or where I might find them.

you're a little worried about biting off more than you can chew
Well I've done that before... so yes. I am scared. It ended in dissatisfaction. I'm discovering there's a real art to picking a vid that's at an appropriately challenging but not ridiculously hard level.

You know what it's like... sometimes you really do need to beard Kara Thrace in her den and make her face uncomfortable truths, but sometimes you just need to sidle up sideways to the idea that sex in the CIC needs a practise run on the hangar deck first...
*lol* umm, you lost me somewhere, but it was somewhere amusing! ;)


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bop_radar January 3 2008, 21:47:12 UTC
Oh noes! Confused viewing of BSG could lead to ... confusion.

There is an abundance of wonderful BSG vids, regardless of ship/character. Who's your favourite and I'll rec you something? :) (I'm not that surprised if K/L's not your thing.)


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bop_radar January 4 2008, 12:53:05 UTC
Ooh, why not?
Hmm... I think their melodrama might drive you a bit bonkers and you'd want to slap both their heads together and tell them to get over themselves? (That could be the wine talking.) Also, y'know. Het. ;p

Roslin's pretty fab. The strong female character thing, especially a more mature female character, is a serious drawcard for me too, and don't worry, I will shush on the spoiler or random whinge front. ;)

Let's see... my favourite Roslin vid is 'There' by gwyn_r (it's available on her website and it's SO worth getting her password if you don't have it--she's an awesome vidder!).


bradcpu January 3 2008, 18:09:01 UTC
I can't wait to do another action vid
I can't wait for you to do one, either!


*tapping foot*

You've learned a staggering amount about vidding this year.


bop_radar January 3 2008, 21:45:24 UTC
Hee! :D The weird thing is that although I loooved action vidding, I rarely get action vid bunnies and when I do they seem so frivolous. Like, is it REALLY ok to just have a whole bunch of shots of hot people hitting each other and explosions?! Wait until I find meta in the Casino Royale vid... *rotfl*

I need to learn more. :(


snarkist January 3 2008, 21:25:21 UTC
YAYS! I'm glad it showed up, and not too late, in the overall scheme of things. And I'm so glad you're liking the mix so far! That especially means something coming from someone that I think of as having good taste in music. *g* Enjoy the tunes! *hugs*


bop_radar January 3 2008, 21:35:29 UTC
Hooray! Yes, not too late and I really appreciated the snow image on the front--in our bake-y hot summer, it made me yearn for snowball fights. ;)

There are a couple of tracks on there that I didn't know before and others that I haven't paid much attention to before so the mix is highlighting things to me in a new way--always good! I should write you a proper email about it. *resolves* *nods*


hp5angst January 4 2008, 00:21:06 UTC
I will certainly be looking forward to your Smallville projects. 6 in one year congratulations! And cheers to more in 2008.

I enjoyed reading your vidding meme and thoughts its a nice inspirational story. Do feel free to talk about vidding in the future (and rec-ing). :)


bop_radar January 4 2008, 12:54:02 UTC
Ohh, thank you! It's nice to hear that these things aren't completely boring... they do feel a little self-indulgent. ;) But I do intend to rec more in the future, and I love talking vidding.


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