Lois picspam #4

Jun 21, 2007 20:42

I know some of you have expressed interest in the 'Lois messes with Clark's sexuality' picspam I promised--well it is coming, I promise, but before we get to that I'm indulging in some Lois-y self-centredness. This picspam is about why I relate to Lois. ( cut for pictorial silliness--spoilers for S5 and S6 eps )

lois lane, picspam, smallville

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Comments 28

duskwillow June 21 2007, 12:08:29 UTC
Yay, new part! \o/

Mwa ha @ #1. Personally I don't like kids, and I think it shows. But for some reason they sometimes really like me, and I never have any idea what to do with them. So when she showed those crayons in the kid's face, yeah - been there, done that. lol

2, 3, 10 - yup, yup...I can relate.

Hee, 4 pawns! Oh yeah.
And remember those pancakes for breakfast in Lucy? lmao

6. "Die! Die! Die!!" *g*


bop_radar June 21 2007, 23:05:44 UTC
Yay, I'm glad I'm not alone in my awkwardness with children. *g*

The pancakes! I had forgotten the pancakes! *lol*

6. "Die! Die! Die!!" *g*
Heee! I felt her pain when Clark interrupting caused her to die. :-(


latteaddict June 21 2007, 12:22:11 UTC
You know, I never really noticed her playstation habit. I think it's cool! So is her coffee addiction! I'm obsessed myself. I go so far as to grind my own beans :)

I LOVED the handholding moment. I remember being very excited when it happened.

She also looks especially pretty in the picture holding the coffee!


bop_radar June 21 2007, 23:13:02 UTC
You grind your own beans?! That IS hardcore! I'm lazy... I just buy a lot out. But having said that, I am a fusspot about it out. And I love how everyone in SV drinks gallons of the stuff. I was SO RELIEVED when Lex bought them the Italian cappucino machine--I didn't have to imagine them drinking that hideous American percolated stuff. *shudders*

The handholding is one of my favourite moments ever. I used it in my very first vidlet--and vidded it to the lines:
situation number three
it's the one that no one sees
all too often dismissed as fate
I got a few nice comments about how I'd made people pause and think about how they dismissed Clois. *g* Just because it's fate doesn't mean it's boring!


latteaddict June 22 2007, 09:10:43 UTC
You grind your own beans?! That IS hardcore!

Well, I have to. I'm stuck at home most of the time and instant coffee is only for desperate times. I needz the good stuff :)

I got a few nice comments about how I'd made people pause and think about how they dismissed Clois. *g* Just because it's fate doesn't mean it's boring!

the lyrics are uncanny!

I'd love to see your vid (I've never watched a SV fan video) :)


bop_radar June 23 2007, 04:52:38 UTC
I'm stuck at home most of the time and instant coffee is only for desperate times. I needz the good stuff :)
That is understandable! As appalling as it is I only have instant at home. Partly to keep my addiction under control. Lol! I buy good instant, but it's still instant. :-p

I'd love to see your vid (I've never watched a SV fan video) :)
Oh that's very kind but it's only a tiny wee thing, just over a minute long and it was the first thing I made so it's very dodgy. I don't have it uploaded anywhere, but if you really want to see it, I can send it to you. I wish I could rec you some good Clois vids but there aren't many. :-( It is a source of great woe to me.


mskatej June 21 2007, 13:00:45 UTC
I love her imperfections, because she carries them all off with such humour and style. She's irresistible!



bop_radar June 22 2007, 00:30:37 UTC
It's true! She does have such style and she can laugh at herself too.


reneec June 21 2007, 13:21:55 UTC
Another reason I love Lois is because she isn't perfect. She has foibles. But she owns them, unlike other characters on the show.

And it it nice to see Lois having a wardrobe crisis because I spend every morning trying to figure out what to put on. But like you, if I had a body like Lois I'd just put on whatever and not worry about it because she looks good in anything, unlike me.


bop_radar June 22 2007, 00:32:40 UTC
Yeah! I like characters with foibles. *g* But she should really stop stressing about clothes--she looks amazing. And actually she chooses some very nice outfits for the most part.


(The comment has been removed)

bop_radar June 22 2007, 00:34:25 UTC
He was gorgeous, yes! One of his (many) radiant moments. *g* And it was lovely that they scripted a really Smallville-y Clois moment. It's very very slow, but I love the unfurling of their feelings for one another.


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