Poll on archetypes: follow-up post

May 14, 2007 21:46

I want to thank everyone who took my poll on archetypes and especially to those of you who responded with comments. It was a really interesting process for me and confirmed some ideas I'd had, as well as raising some things I hadn't considered. Drawing conclusions from the results is very hard, given that a) the poll was badly constructed (yes, it ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

valentinemichel May 14 2007, 14:39:07 UTC
Thank you for doing this. I can't help but think a little self-awareness might be of value and could help stem some of the fannish communication difficulties that often result from what seems to be irrational attachment to characters.

And that was, out of necessity, the longest sentence in the world. *adjusts diplomacy hat*


bop_radar May 14 2007, 23:11:55 UTC
Hee! It was an excellent sentence. *g* I have personally always found that admitting one's biases up front makes for far calmer discussion, and yes, perhaps even more so if you know why you're biased towards certain characters.


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bop_radar May 14 2007, 23:13:31 UTC
Hee! Thank you! I'm so curious now too. But I'll have to think about how to construct such a poll.


bananainpyjamas May 14 2007, 16:02:49 UTC
I found the poll really interesting and well thought-out too. :) Unfortunately I started but didn't complete it because I really didn't know what to put for later questions. On the one hand it's fairly easy to see I have a thing for the capes and tights, but I tend to break down superheroes into various archetypes themselves (i.e. the everyman, the outcast, etc). And considering my three favorite heroes (Superman, Spider-Man, and Cyclops from the X-Men) are actually very different from each other, I didn't really know how to pinpoint what it is that attracts me to a character. Plus the whole superhero fetish in the first place opens up a psychological can of worms, so I try not to think about it too much ( ... )


bop_radar May 14 2007, 23:26:01 UTC
Thank you! *g*

I tend to break down superheroes into various archetypes themselves (i.e. the everyman, the outcast, etc).
*nods* I would too.

I almost always go for the 'twu wuv 4ever' canon romance and ship it across space and time (by which I mean 'in every continuity,' hehe)
Heeee. That's adorable! And sounds extremely happy-making. And now I really want to know who your OTP to end all OTPs is...

It's definitely not easy to trace all one's likes. I can see common trends in mine, but there are also 'outlier' characters who don't fit my usual likes but who have somehow endeared themselves to me.


bananainpyjamas May 15 2007, 04:35:54 UTC
Heeee. That's adorable! And sounds extremely happy-making.

Lol! I'm always somewhat apprehensive of what my fandom friends will think of that, since I know stubbornly shipping the vanilla pairings isn't what the cool kids do, but multiple people whom I met through vidding seem to find it oddly endearing. XD

My OTP to end all OTPs is from a tiny fandom, i.e. the Godzilla cartoon that aired on Fox around 1998. It's seriously what spurred me into fandom in the first place. I ship the hunk nerd turned action hero male lead with the sexy French-Vietnamese secret agent like my life depended on it, even if that's pretty much the only major female character he hasn't been romantically linked to. Although there was a throwaway line about them making a good couple in the pilot...ha, my OTP isn't totally cracked!


bop_radar May 15 2007, 04:49:46 UTC
multiple people whom I met through vidding seem to find it oddly endearing. XD
Hee! Well I don't care tuppence for what the 'cool kids' do and never have. And I envy you your vanilla joy. Plus, I share the Lois and Clark love--though I think I'm drawn to it not because of the 'twu wuv 4eva' factor but because of the smart, sassy girl/devoted guy dynamic, which always does me in.

I ship the hunk nerd turned action hero male lead with the sexy French-Vietnamese secret agent like my life depended on it, even if that's pretty much the only major female character he hasn't been romantically linked to. Although there was a throwaway line about them making a good couple in the pilot...ha, my OTP isn't totally cracked!
Oh, that sounds fun but frustrating! My OTP to end all OTPs is from a set of historical novels by Dorothy Dunnett. I ship the charismatic-but-ammoral-genius/hero Niccolo with Gelis, who in the first novel is a chubby 8 year old brat who messes with his plans to screw her sister, but who winds up as his arch-nemesis/lover. They ( ... )


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