Vid: Don't U Eva

Nov 28, 2006 21:03

If anyone's been wondering why I've been a little quiet of late, it's partly because Final Cut Pro ate my life. Although its ways are still 99 per cent mysterious to me, I've somehow managed to dredge something out... though it's not what you might expect. I must say that in all my daydreaming about being able to vid one day, I never pictured myself making a claustrophobic, oppressive Kara/Leoben vid. However, with limited footage on my harddrive at the time, I started working on this as a learning exercise and then it kind of grew and grew... and I also realised that there was at least ONE person on my f'list who would like it, if only because it contains CKR! That's right--I'm looking at you, little k! ;-)

So, as a very very early Christmas present for the lovely kristiinthedark:

Title: Don't U Eva
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara/Leoben
Spoilers: up to 3.04
Rating: NC-17 (violence, adult content--duh!)
File format: .avi, 23MB
Download: direct download
Feedback: yes, please! :-)
Disclaimer: BSG is Ron Moore's, the song Sarah Blasko's
Beta thanks: A million trillion thanks and credits to supacat, without whom this vid would not have progressed past the (completely reworked) first chorus. Her three-stage beta kept me going and she prodded me to work on alternating cutting to the beat and cutting to the lyric, which was scary but I do think the final version is better. ::hugs::

If you have trouble with the files or links, please let me know and I'll try and help. Also, I should warn you that if you didn't like the Kara/Leoben plot in early Season 3, you probably won't like this vid... Oh, and I'm sorry it's so dark--blame my lack of skillz as well as that drab BSG cinematography.

Don't U Eva
By Sarah Blasko

You've got a way with words
You've got a way that makes me feel so complicated
Your message meets the floor
The horizon meets your horse and you're deliberating
I'm only clearing my throat

Don't u eva wish for
Just one thing that you might never see
Don't u eva wish for
Just one thing that you might never know
You might never know

You've got a way with words
You've got a way that makes me feel so complicated
A wall keeps you from me
You'd raze the doors down just so you could find the key
The wolves are waiting

Don't u eva wish for
Just one thing that you might never see
Don't u eva wish for
Just one thing that you might never know
You might never know

I'm underground
As the world's just spinnning around
And you hunt them down
Try to pin them to the ground
There'll be no sound as the words just tumble out
And you won't be found by the time you've hit the ground

You've got a way with words
You've got a way with words
You've got a way with words

Don't u eva wish for
Just one thing that you might never see
Don't u eva wish for
Just one thing that you might never know
Oh you might never know...
Don't you eva wish for...
You might never know...

Sarah Blasko is an Australian singer/songwriter who I am greatly enjoying at the moment. I chose this track for its musical qualities as much as for its lyrics--there's an underlying tension and sense of frustration in the music that is almost at odds with the wistful lyrics. I thought that tension would play well with Kara/Leoben.

Now that that's over with, I can get on to vidding the Pretty Shiny Show, aka Smallville! ;-)

vids, bsg

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