Vid: This Is The Last Time

Dec 27, 2011 20:43

Title: This Is The Last Time
Artist: Keane
Source: The Good Wife
Summary: Alicia and Will kid themselves that it's the last time.
Thanks to:
m_a_r_i_k_s for betaing and cheerleading
Download: 44 MB mp4 (zipped)

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So I'm a bit rusty at this. I made most of this vid some time ago, in a rush of shippy enthusiasm in early season 3, before the desire to slap some sense into both of them became overbearing. Then I thought I'd lost the spark to finish the vid as I watched in mesmerised horror as Alicia froze Will out, refusing to believe that this was more than a casual dalliance on his part (despite evidence to the contrary). I get where it's coming from with her, but DAMN. They both need some lessons in how to talk to one another.

Alas, this is not the vid that deals with the more complex aspects of their relationship. ;) I do hope, though, that some of their denial and the way they hide from the truths in their own hearts comes through here. Their actions contradict their words.

For all that these two have frustrated the hell out of me in season 3, I still very much love their connection, the moments when they respond almost involuntarily to each other and an inner joy and tenderness they bring out in each other (even if they then bury it and deny it, grrr). I am therefore pleased I finished the vid--my own little birthday present to myself, I guess. :)

I just think Kalinda should take a baseball bat to both of them if they don't get their shit together and TAAAAAAALK in the latter half of Season 3. ;)

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