Vid chats plan: topics

Sep 12, 2009 10:13

Thank you to everyone who voted and offered feedback about vidding chats. You are still welcome to do so here as it's all useful feedback. However, I've settled on a plan for now.

I'm opting not to set up a comm for now based largely on:
- people saying they would be as likely to participate wherever it was held
- me having a terrible track record with comms
- a few people saying they'd be more hesitant or quiet in comms.
Instead, I'm going to co-ordinate them from here but people will host in their own journals. Thank you to the people who said they might be willing to host (in the poll): I'm hoping you will be as willing to do so in your own journals as in a comm. Either way, I will put a post up about hosting sign-ups later this weekend.

Which brings us to topics.
OK, so to date we have had ones on:
- Planning vids
- First vids
- Defining vid genres and narrative styles (another one of my hopelessly conflate-y posts!)
- Lyrics and literalism
- Betaing
- A kind of half-chat on effects and personal blocks (which really just shows that I'm not the person to host effects-related chats!)
- Commenting/feedback.

The most popular topic area in the recent poll was 'general topics related to the creative process', which is great to know. Other topic areas were fairly evenly split, with vid genres, interaction and technical topics the next three most popular. Slightly more than half of you wanted chats for more experienced vidders, with the rest wanting them for newbies. I think what this tells me is that broadening the scope of chats and having people of different experience levels host them really is the right way to go. Some chats will be of more interest to some groups than others.

So now to getting a bit more specific... please drop off in the comments here any and all suggestions for new topics. What would you most like to see? Doesn't matter how obscure or crazy sounding it is. Go for your life! This is your chance to influence the content. If you see someone else's idea that you think is cool--pipe up in support. For now, don't worry about who's hosting what, just go for your life with suggestions.


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