Title: The Seventh Friend
Rating: PG13
Characters: Gunther
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Though I wouldn't mind a lease on Rachel Green. Mmmmm... Rachel.
Summary: He hadn't expected this.
Author's Note:
larinzia made me do it.
Gunther was confused.
They had been loud, noisy, obnoxious and very, very annoying . They would take over the main seats, never buy much and stay there for hours.
So why did he miss them so much?
From Joey’s inevitable greeting of every new waitress with a “How you doin’”, to Ross’s long and involved dinosaur stories, Chandler’s ongoing series of gags about Gunther’s bald head, and Monica’s constant complaints about the cleanliness of the restrooms, he missed them all.
And Rachel. Lovely, gorgeous Rachel.
But, on the bright side, he didn’t have to listen to Phoebe singing any more.