I got a very distinct feeling of deja vu when he was working it out. It really echoed Tooth & Claw in that respect. But that's a good thing because I love T&C muchly!
But I hated the whole "If I believe in one thing... I believe in her" bit. I was tearing my hair out at that point it was just so... gah! It was the point that took the episode from definitely being my favourite so far, to being relegated to the *maybe* pile.
I keep thinking about this, but what I feel is that what RTD really, really needs is a script editor that will tell him no at times. Or not to do so much anvilicious dropping of stuff. Ever since I found out that RTD wrote the dreadful "beyond the grave" line in Rise of the Cybermen, I wonder just what else he's added in to other eps.
The whole 'believe in her' thing does have the scent of an RTD addition to it, which makes me despair a little. I also keep thinking that he's trying too hard to play to too many audiences. The 'anvil' lines are annoying to us, but they might be needed for the younger audiences. (Although it has to be said, they probably don't need them either - I know a 3 year old who picks up on stuff I miss first time round...)
Now it's Wednesday and I want it to be Tuesday again. But this is better than last time, because last time, I didn't realise that The Impossible Planet was a two-parter until there was about sixty seconds left. :(
I was slightly disappointed by this episode. There was such a good build up in the episode last week, and then it just seemed to fall a little flat. I wonder how much of that was due to RTD sticking his oar in?
I just don't know how much of an effect RTD has on the scripts. I know he wrote the cringeworthy "from beyond the grave" line in Rise of the Cybermen and that he brings certain lines to writers that they have to include in the script.
What's interesting is considering season 1 as a whole - the fan favourite episodes are done by other writers, but the fan favourite moments are all his.
Comments 12
But I hated the whole "If I believe in one thing... I believe in her" bit. I was tearing my hair out at that point it was just so... gah! It was the point that took the episode from definitely being my favourite so far, to being relegated to the *maybe* pile.
They do pick up things fast, don't they? Little gits... ;)
Unless, of course, you don't like quality tv?
I downloaded this and watched it already.
*waiting, not so patiently, for Tuesday (earliest I will be able to d/l)*
I shouldn't complain. I have fibre-optic broadband.
Now it's Wednesday and I want it to be Tuesday again. But this is better than last time, because last time, I didn't realise that The Impossible Planet was a two-parter until there was about sixty seconds left. :(
What's interesting is considering season 1 as a whole - the fan favourite episodes are done by other writers, but the fan favourite moments are all his.
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