Title: Murder At the Watcher’s Council
Rating: 15, based solely on Faith’s language.
Setting: After Buffy season seven.
Summary: Giles and Faith - together they solve crimes. Could this be the dawning of a new detective partnership?
Author's Notes: Written for
empressvesica’s birthday. Happy birthday hon, and I bet you don’t get much sleep tonight. *winks*
Murder At the Watcher’s Council )
Comments 16
My only quibble is the use of left and right instead of north, south, east and west. I don't see anywhere that indicates all the rooms were along one side of the wall, so in addition to determining placement side-by-side, there would also have to be placement across the hall, which is where compass points come in handy. There's also the bit that if I'm facing north in the house and you, the author, is facing south, right and left are going to be reversed.
Also, don't worry about deleting this comment if you have to.
Trouble is that this is a logic puzzle as a story - not a murder mystery story. But it is fully solvable from those clues given. *crosses fingers*
Have re-discovered unfortunately that I was correct in my assessment of my drawing/Paint abilities - I can't even do a grid with words down the side.
*is proud she got to AN answer, even if it's the wrong answer*
*wanders off to read more fic since SOMEONE went nuts with the E-mails*
“Well,” said Giles, struggling to find his place again. “Talking of Slayer hearing brings me back to Jenny. She too, heard someone underneath her in the attics.” He flicked through the papers again. “Ah, yes. Just as she was picking up that fountain pen we mentioned, she could hear Sinclair in his bedroom beneath her.”
*coughs again*
Giles sighed. “I have found that Helen mentions finding a credit card receipt off to the right of a fountain pen but that could be anywhere in the attics.”
But apart from those couple of things.... you did well! When do you want the answer/part two posted?
Still - go me. :)
And whenever you like...
And thanks for taking part! No-one goes away empty handed - here's your Blankety-Blank chequebook and pe
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