Challenge 16: Review

May 07, 2010 18:25

Title: Review
Author: thirstyrobot
Words: 200
Genre: FPS (Boosh/Barley crossover)
Characters/Pairing: Howard, Vince, Dan, Nathan
Rating: PG for language
Disclaimer: Not my property, alas.
Notes: For Challenge 16: All work and no play. And very silly it is.

"It's two in the afternoon, Vince. Where've you been? We've got a gig in two days! It's not going to rehearse itself."

"I got too pissed to get home and woke up on the DJ's sofa. His flatmate thought I was him with amnesia and tried to take me to A&E, imagine that!"

"What, no unicorns or French salamanders? I think you're losing your touch."

"'S what happened, Howard. Luckily the Cheekbone ninja turned up and I could show her the cover. I don't remember what I did last night but clearly it was well trendsetting. She felt really bad so she said she'd send her brother round to the gig. He's a proper music reviewer 'n all."

"Well, then. We'd best pull out our best moves, hadn't we?"

"My best moves, you mean."

"I've got moves! I'm a mover. Chikka-chik-oww!"

"Howard, no."


"This is well fucking revolutionary!"

"That man has got a bassoon sellotaped to his head."

"Yeah! Mental!"

"He's an idiot, Nathan. You're an idiot."

"Preach it, Preacherman."

"Go away."

"Oi, Dan, look! I was sick earlier. This photo's gonna be the new splash graphic on Trashbat. 'Well Sick,' yeah?"

"...Actually, can you send me that photo?"

challenge 16, thirstyrobot

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