Fanmix: Roads That Never Found You

Dec 13, 2010 05:26

Medium: Television
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Subject: H.G./Myka
Format: All mp3. Ten tracks.
A/N: I told myself I'd make a much more positive mix for H.G./Myka to offset the horribly depressing one I made before, and I finally finished it. Slightly more Helena centric and heavily inspired by fewthistle's fic ' By The Pricking Of My Thumbs' and it's sequel ' A Kind Read more... )

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Comments 12

val_120 December 12 2010, 18:38:41 UTC
Great mix :) - taking thanks!


deversum December 12 2010, 18:52:06 UTC
Awesome mix, love both stories and it's nice to see it was inspired by them, thank you for sharing it with us :)


berryswirl December 12 2010, 20:14:05 UTC
Great to see a mix accompanying such wonderful fanfics, thank you! And - I second the recommendation. :)


erinmar13 December 12 2010, 20:34:01 UTC
yay for happy mixes!
i need to finish my projects.
well done, love.
great cover too.


boomwizard December 13 2010, 04:30:40 UTC
If there's anything the internet needs less of it's H.G./Myka angst.


fewthistle December 13 2010, 23:55:16 UTC
WOW! I am immensely honored that you were inspired by my stories! This looks wonderful and though I must admit to being unfamiliar with most of the artists, I'm going to download and listen!! Can't wait to hear a soundtrack to accompany my little fictional journey. And thank you so much for the lovely recommendation. I'm truly touched by the kindness of your words and the gesture!!

Off to listen to new music!! Yay!

Cheers, dear!



boomwizard December 14 2010, 00:17:32 UTC
I always try to use more obscure songs in my mixes because nothing irks me more than seeing a mix filled with nothing but Top 40 songs that I've already seen everywhere else. I find most of my new music through other fanmixes and Youtube.

Yours is my favourite multi-chapter H.G./Myka fic for a great many reasons. First and foremost it's the glorious prose and how you managed to make everything so believable. Not to mention you write Helena's voice just wonderfully. And I'm still rapt with the theory about her being an adoptive mother, it's officially ingrained in my mind as canon.

I hope you feel it stays true to what you were trying to put across in your writing. These represent how I see the story and the development of their relationship playing out. It's lovely, and currently the only active fic I'm reading where I have to wait for updates. It's just like tuning in for a new episode and I get so excited every time I see a new chapter on my flist.


fewthistle December 14 2010, 00:32:52 UTC
I'm waiting for the download to finish to listen. I love discovering new music and I find that fanmixes do provide me with a wealth of new artists and songs. When I was much younger, many years ago, I was a music junkie and lived for new music to find and devour. I fear that the passing years have slowed my appetite, but not killed it completely. I so look forward to how you see this relationship and what music inspires you with it ( ... )


boomwizard December 14 2010, 00:42:30 UTC
The most important thing is not to rush it. Even if people are bugging you to update you can't force it out just to please them, I know the feeling. The muse comes calling whenever she likes and not a moment sooner.

I'm always looking for new music. I'm still in that "MORE MUSIC, MORE" phase and feel woefully inadequate compared to others and the size of their music libraries. I'm about 90 songs short of a thousand right now, and I especially need to find more music because nearly two hundred of those songs are already designated to all the fanmixes I've made.

I take a lot of characters at face value because I'm not a very deep thinker most of the time, but Helena really interests me. She's just so...tragic. The very definition of it. I'm not even one for angst, it is probably my most hated genre, but it's captivating how much she's suffered so far and how it changed her as a person. And I love when people delve into that so I can read their take on her life and innermost thoughts that we weren't privy to on the show ( ... )


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