Unambiguously Gay Picspam

Jun 27, 2010 22:05

For picspammy 's Trope's Challenge.
So it's no secret that I'm addicted to TV Tropes. I was on this like a fat kid on cake.

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Comments 79

underdelusions June 27 2010, 12:51:35 UTC
Okay I have to disagree with Libby/Sabrina just because I've ALWAYS disliked Libby. (Though in the cartoon series, when her dad lost all their money and she ended up staying with Sabrina, I think it was, it WAS cute, and so was the scene you pointed out.) I guess I'm also just too happy about the fact that Harvey ended up being her soul mate in the end after all.

HOWEVER. I love that you brought them up. I'd say it's one of my favorite shows.

I love the format you used for this and it's all very pretty.

FAITH. God I love her, so yes, Faith/Buffy is alright by me, though I OTP Spike/Buffy, but whatever, we all saw the UST between her and Faith like crazy.

I watched Charmed but not regularly so I missed when my dear Cordelia made an appearance, which is obviously unfortunate because that looks SO cute/fun.


boomwizard June 27 2010, 12:59:48 UTC
Like I said, Libby/Sabrina was mostly wishful thinking on my part. And I adore Harvey and shipped him and Sabrina just as much, and even though I stopped watching because it got so awful I was happy to hear that they got together in the end.

I've been experimenting with some different posting formats lately and I think I like this one a lot more than everything being centered.

I love Spike, really I do. But I kind of lost a lot of love for him after the whole attempted rape thing. I think the UST between Buffy and Faith was confirmed by Joss himself, although I wouldn't quote me on that, it's all here-say. Apparently that kiss on the forehead was supposed to be on the lips but meddling executives and all that.

That episode of Charmed is Witchness Protection from season 7. Charisma was awesome, her character was definitely one of my favourite demons of the whole series and I'm sad she only got a few episodes before she got killed off. She's almost like Cordelia was on Buffy - only less mean if you could believe it - which I found ( ... )


underdelusions June 27 2010, 13:07:23 UTC
LOL at your icon. Hey, Community, hey ( ... )


boomwizard June 27 2010, 13:16:24 UTC
It's the only Community icon I've made so far, I need more dammit.

Exactly. It was Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Some shows just need to know when to end it. I can think of so many shows that just should have ended several seasons earlier - Charmed is one of them ( ... )


wowsugarpuss_ June 27 2010, 13:07:43 UTC
I looove this! Ahh Buffy/Faith, the first time I ever really figured out what femslash was, hee. And obviously Tara/Willow were amazing, Brittany/Santana are adorable and they really need to do more with Rachel/Quinn. There's so much potential there, especially with Dianna/Lea's ridiculous gayness in RL. Quinn/Mercedes seemed pointless when Mercedes already has Kurt for a BFF, and Rachel has nobody :\ it would have been just as easy for Quinn to bond with Rachel over feeling like an outcast.

Just to add a couple if you're ever looking for more unambiguous gay - Cara/Kahlan from Legend of the Seeker, and Elle/Claire in Heroes. Elle/Claire only spent like one episode together (apart from a bit of eyesex in another ep) but it was the gayest thing ever, there's no way the writer didn't know what he was doing, lol. And Cara/Kahlan are just perfect with Cara being all closed off to feeling and Kahlan being the one who's made her feel most human, complete with hugging and hand holding and general combined badassery.


boomwizard June 27 2010, 13:23:54 UTC
They really need to do more with Rachel/Quinn. There's so much potential there, especially with Dianna/Lea's ridiculous gayness in RL. Quinn/Mercedes seemed pointless when Mercedes already has Kurt for a BFF, and Rachel has nobody :\ it would have been just as easy for Quinn to bond with Rachel over feeling like an outcast.

THIS. A million times. It's all I keep saying.

I used to be in the Heroes fandom but gave it up after it went to shit. I'm feeling all nostalgic for season 1 now. I was going to attempt to get back into it but completely scratched that idea when I heard that they killed Elle because OH MY GOD, NOT ONLY DID YOU KILL MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER, YOU RUINED MY FEMSLASH OTP FOR THAT FANDOM. It was Willow/Tara all over again.

And I've got Legend of the Seeker on my list of fandoms to get into, I've heard lots of good things and it sounds just like my kind of show - but my internet only goes so far and it makes me sad because our broadcasting sucks. They've only just started showing Modern Family, they're STILL going with ( ... )


smirk_dog June 27 2010, 13:08:44 UTC

... )


boomwizard June 27 2010, 13:24:39 UTC


smirk_dog June 27 2010, 13:41:20 UTC
I somehow made it a clickable thumbnail. Epic fail, on my part. D:


boomwizard June 27 2010, 14:05:19 UTC
OH, IT GET'S BIGGER. That made me inappropriately happy.


leonhart_17 June 27 2010, 13:52:03 UTC
SO MUCH LOVE FOR THIS LIST! and not just because it has my OTP forever (Willow/Tara) on it! Great job on this! Glee and Buffy and Dollhouse! YAY!

Never watched much Sabrina or Charmed or Xena... oops... and I totally second the Legend of the Seeker rec! So much Cara/Kahlan love!


boomwizard June 27 2010, 14:02:48 UTC
Words can't express how much I love Willow/Tara. Maybe my layout can, then multiple that by about a billion and you come pretty close. They hurt my heart in all good kinds of ways.

BLASPHEMY. I was five when Xena started and I still totally watched it. But they're all totally my kind of genre, so I'm all over it. I know it's not for everyone. And I don't have any icons for those three fandoms, so complete fail on my part.


leonhart_17 June 27 2010, 14:08:47 UTC
Ooh I didn't even see your layout! SO PRETTY! I love them so much!

I know, I fail... I was about that age when it started, but I didn't watch tv when I was a kid! I enjoy genre shows like that, but I just haven't watched them... which I know is unforgivable... but I honestly didn't start watching tv regularly until high school...


boomwizard June 27 2010, 14:11:47 UTC
I rarely watch TV anymore. I download all my shows because they either don't show them here at all or they're so behind the times.

I definitely need more fandom icons. I mean spanning more fandoms. They're pretty much restricted to Popular, Glee and Miscellaneous right now. So definitely needs moar Buffy.


haltlos June 27 2010, 14:42:50 UTC
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I can see how much fun you had doing this and how much you invested in this picspam!


boomwizard June 27 2010, 14:46:38 UTC
It took me at least a week to get done because I'm Lazy with a capital L.


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