I admit that as much as I love seeing you on Twitter and FB...I miss you on LJ! I hope you'll post more in the fall about Glee (!) and Dollhouse and books too of course!
Nice to see you again! I'm a big Supernatural fan, too. Have to admit I just didn't get into the fandom side of it. Lucky for me, a number of my flisters are into the show and satisfy any interaction needs I have. :D
I am sad about what the BSG finale did to so much of the fandom. I also was affected. First s3 VM killed off any desire to write for that fandom, and now the BSG finale has done the same. Why do all of my most favorite shows have to crap out in the end?
Dude, AGAIN I WILL SAY THIS! I will be seeing you in really-real person in October! I think I'll even be buying my plane ticket soon, to make it all official-like (and for the cheaperness (TOTALLY a word) aspect). Then we can fangirl all of our various shows together OMG. (So excited for more WH13, Glee, new SPN, new Dollhouse, and more Leverage! And also the slew of potential awesome hopefully to be found in V and various other new shows. Methinks we will be watching A LOT of TV this winter. ;)
OMG I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU. Yay for October!!!! There must--nay WILL--be an insane amount of fangirling new faves together. How long will you be here for? cantwait cantwait cantwait cantwait
I just ordered the first 7 Sookie books so I'm excited to get started on them and see if I feel the same about Bill and Eric afterwards. I'm not enjoying S2 as much as S1 but I still love it. I'm def starting the feel the Eric allure.
I feel the same about BSG. It's just pretty much dead unforturnately.
I just started watching several shows. I'm on S1 of Torchwood, Leverage and Chuck.
Are you a fan of Mad Men? S3 starts soon and I'm really excited about that.
I just started #7 tonight! I'm definitely loving Eric more and more with time. I'll hold off on any further squee until you're further along...but being a Spike-girl, I'm pretty confident you'll feel the same :)
I haven't started Mad Men, but I have heard nothing but awesome things about it. One of these days I'll catch up!
Comments 16
Oooh, oooh, I finally got my hands on an ARC of Catching Fire!! My friend is reading it and then is going to mail to back to me soon--can't wait!
I loved the second one and it surprised me quite a bit....and of course now the wait for number 3 is even longer.
I am sad about what the BSG finale did to so much of the fandom. I also was affected. First s3 VM killed off any desire to write for that fandom, and now the BSG finale has done the same. Why do all of my most favorite shows have to crap out in the end?
Dude, AGAIN I WILL SAY THIS! I will be seeing you in really-real person in October! I think I'll even be buying my plane ticket soon, to make it all official-like (and for the cheaperness (TOTALLY a word) aspect). Then we can fangirl all of our various shows together OMG. (So excited for more WH13, Glee, new SPN, new Dollhouse, and more Leverage! And also the slew of potential awesome hopefully to be found in V and various other new shows. Methinks we will be watching A LOT of TV this winter. ;)
I feel the same about BSG. It's just pretty much dead unforturnately.
I just started watching several shows. I'm on S1 of Torchwood, Leverage and Chuck.
Are you a fan of Mad Men? S3 starts soon and I'm really excited about that.
I haven't started Mad Men, but I have heard nothing but awesome things about it. One of these days I'll catch up!
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