Drabble number five of the "Sir Gawain and The Green Knight" drabble challenge. Enjoy!
On hilly heights they ride,
snow littering the land.
The servant at his side
then has them slow and stand.
Merlin called a halt to the procession of king and knights and slid off of his horse’s back. “It’s there, my king,” he said, pointing to the faint trail going down into the valley.
The troupe dismounted, looking suspiciously at the newly revealed sorcerer. Still, they followed Arthur into the vale until they reached the centre. There, embedded upright in a stone, was a sword. The winter sun gleamed along the hilt and the blade seemed to glow.
“Only the most worthy of you all can release the weapon from the granite,” Merlin said. “The one destined to wield it.”
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