
Jul 29, 2007 13:29

So, in this ep, Metamorphosis, they've been stranded on a desert planet with only a 150-year-old space explorer dude for company, having been lured there by a giant ball of electricity.

at this point they've figured out that Giant Electric Ball has been keeping Space Explorer Dude as her lover all these years. SED's all like, huh?

So Spock has to tell Mr. Spaceman what Love is. )

please god don't let her discover ds9, i hate sci fi, fandom, space hotties, aja hates freedom, um well i actually love odo :|, oh aja, spock is just like tezuka in a way

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Comments 36

belmanoir July 29 2007, 23:07:03 UTC
is this the episode where kirk defines love and it completely describes his relationship with spock?

also, i find it weird but interesting how in this episode they find nothing odd in the relationship btw the guy and his ion cloud when they think the ion cloud is a dude, then they find out the ion cloud is a chick and suddenly it's a big deal and Everything is Different.


belmanoir July 29 2007, 23:12:28 UTC
no wait, google tells me i was thinking of "dagger of the mind" where this evil doctor is using this new form of hypnosis to convince kirk he's in love with this chick, and he says, "You're madly in love with Helen, Captain. You'd lie, cheat, steal for her, sacrifice your career, your reputation!" and i was like, "he's already done all that for spock like, multiple times!"


franzeska July 30 2007, 00:02:05 UTC
Still haven't seen Spock in heat, eh?


bookshop July 30 2007, 00:03:25 UTC

i just this second finished it. i KNEW there was a fake death in there somewhere, you couldn't have been so excited over it for just any reason.
... )


franzeska July 30 2007, 00:50:19 UTC

*is a spoiler*


sparkling_gurl July 31 2007, 04:13:19 UTC
Every time I see William Shatner I am constantly reminded of all the conversations I have had in the past with my mom recollecting how she had a severe crush on him when she was younger...this includes seeing the "Priceline Negotiator" commercials. Lol. :)


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