in tenisu, Zero % means LOVE

Apr 16, 2007 02:23

There really is no way to catalogue the myriad ways in which today sucks completely, so I won't even try.

Instead, here are all the things that make today not suck:

-( Plebefic. )

i heart japan, squee, music, special golden power aja remix post, love

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bookshop April 16 2007, 06:10:03 UTC

Thank you! I just went to your lj to see if your links from your post were public. It is lovely of you to share them here!

I think everything about the album is just too wonderful to really take in yet, i am sort of like you at this point - nearly numb from the beauty of it all.


missitar April 16 2007, 06:17:36 UTC
! Wow, thank you--downloading as we speak. I really appreciate that.


sivullinen April 16 2007, 06:39:45 UTC
Hi! I downloaded the album, too; hope that's okay! Thank you so much ♥


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