
Mar 23, 2006 15:47

Dear flist, a question. Where would one go to locate raw Prince of Tennis downloads? Am about to embark on the great and wonderful adventure of the Songvid. Maybe. Hopefully. Blame Snow Patrol and loftily for my obsession with the idea of TezuRyo set to "Chocolate ( Read more... )

potcaps, ^_^, tenipuri, anonymity

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Comments 379

anonymous March 23 2006, 20:50:12 UTC

I really want Fuji.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:53:27 UTC
He's your brother.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:55:47 UTC
---in law...!


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:57:19 UTC
there's nothing legal about Fuji.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:50:41 UTC
Tezuka's butt tastes like a nutmegged piece of nougat.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:51:49 UTC
Fancy seeing you here, Atobe!


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:54:29 UTC
To my shame I have to admit that you, my dear bubblepie, are simply a Hans.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:52:25 UTC
Ryoma is a brat. Losing badly in some important tournament would do him a whole lot of good.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:54:45 UTC
But he lost to Tezuka and it did him a whole lot of good. Isn't that enough?


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:59:56 UTC
That wasn't a tournament or anything. It was just a teaching experience (and getting to play a special match with Tezuka probably made him feel even more special). Losing to his dad obviously doesn't do him much good either. He needs to lose badly, when it really matters and he's done a whole lot of bragging about how he's going to win. That should poke a few holes in his ego, to the betterment of all.


anonymous March 23 2006, 21:11:33 UTC
but he doesn't really brag about how he's going to win. he challenges his opponent, but he's not conceited or arrogant in the vein of an atobe or a kevin. (and even atobe wields conceited as more of a challenge to his opponents than a true superiority complex.)

i dunno i think he learns a lot from every match, and i think whenever he's shaken he works through it. he doesn't ever doubt himself, but then neither does tezuka (until the senbatsu arc when i think they both doubt themselves because of each other). i guess i just think ryoma's flashy, not arrogant.

so obvious who this is. life.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:56:45 UTC
Ryoma secretly sneaks into bed with Eiji and Oishi when no one is looking. Practice.


anonymous March 23 2006, 21:24:01 UTC
Practice for Tezuka


anonymous March 23 2006, 21:29:00 UTC
Practice for Atobe and Tezuka.

Though he wouldn't need it if he'd just asked Fuji...


anonymous March 23 2006, 21:31:31 UTC
Except for the part where he might not live through the night.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:57:23 UTC
I <3 Kajimoto for the sole reason that he's hot.


anonymous March 23 2006, 20:59:39 UTC


anonymous March 23 2006, 21:02:17 UTC
i was wondering that too.


pashoshi March 23 2006, 21:03:36 UTC
The captain of Jyousei Shonan (or however it's spelled), who does the serve where he bends really far backwards. Also, Soubi, if you've ever seen Loveless, which is a big part of his appeal.


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