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Nov 14, 2005 20:42

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  • so, what prompted the big "ooh, intellislash" thing? Are there people actually going around talking about how they write intellislash? Because I'm told that there are, but on the other hand my brain finds it hard to believe that anyone with more than half a brain would fail to realise that the first rule of ( Read more... )
  • memes, film, fandom, tenipuri, gay serial killers, life, omg fanart

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    Comments 39

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    bookshop November 15 2005, 03:46:08 UTC

    I can't remember if I've read it or if I'm getting it confused with her Veela!Draco, which I also think you'd probably love. Actually, have I even read that one? How can I remember loving a fic I'm not sure if I've read? *CLUTCHES* REENA, HELP ME. I HAVE REACHED THE POINT WHERE I EVEN HAVE A BACKLOG OF IMAGINARY FICS. :((


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    samenashi November 15 2005, 03:49:25 UTC
    God Aja you just endlessly delight me. Endlessly.


    bookshop November 15 2005, 03:49:58 UTC

    WTF DID I DO NOW, besides not be able to code. :((


    samenashi November 15 2005, 03:51:54 UTC
    I can't explain it. My feelings can't be put into mere words...


    bookshop November 15 2005, 03:54:07 UTC


    You have no idea the trepidation with which I read Starla's PoT fic hoping it wouldn't turn out to be some big joke sadjfksafj;l :((!


    yamapea November 15 2005, 03:52:29 UTC
    I saw this and thought of you. :)) PoT fic in French yay!

    And I totally sympathize on the to-read list front. ;_; my list is ridiculous now.


    bookshop November 15 2005, 03:56:01 UTC

    so cute! If only I could read French enough to understand it!

    I divided my H/D fics up from the fics of other pairings that I have backlogged, so as to make my life easier. But now they are BOTH overflowing. I feel like I am being followed around by some sort of fanfic monster which will one day overflow the computer and suffocate me.


    yamapea November 15 2005, 04:07:32 UTC
    Surely being suffocated would get you some time off to read. ;))


    munchkinott November 15 2005, 03:59:11 UTC
    I will forever remember you as the girl who guessed Bedrooms & Hallways as The Italian Job. *hearts* If they'd B&H'd the TIJ remake you would've heard my joyous squeaks from The Moon. **

    *looks at your list again*

    Nope, I still do not have a clue. *giggles* We're as bad as each other for picking choicely obscure frames from wonderful movies. *snugs* Which is one of the reasons I like you. ^_^ LOTS! :-D

    ** You MUST watch Bedrooms & Hallways THEN try sitting through an episode of Rome straight after. Honest, I kid you not, it's the TV/Movie media version of doing a line of vodka shots with M&Ms in the bottom of the glasses: Candy that'll completely blow your brains out.


    wednesdayschild November 15 2005, 03:59:19 UTC
    OMG I knew that I knew the first one but I couldn't quite place it--Talk to Her! OMG. That film made me weep SO MUCH.


    bookshop November 15 2005, 04:26:31 UTC

    god, Talk to Her is the most profound and powerful movie I think I have ever seen. It's hard to describe how it hits you. People always talk about All About My Mother as Almodovar's masterpiece, but that film was nothing compared to Talk to Her for me.

    *clings* how's your mom? :|


    wednesdayschild November 15 2005, 04:50:09 UTC
    *hugs ( ... )


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